Village of Wilbur Park, MO

09/15/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/15/2024 17:06

Monthly Meeting Minutes – July 16, 2024



July 16, 2024

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM. Board Members Neal Vohsen, Heidi Warren, Ryan
    Richardson, JC Wheeler, Abigail Richardson. Quorum met.

2. Chairman Vohsen moved to approve the June Meeting's Minutes. Motion accepted.

3. June 2024 Police Report - Officer Young
● 249 Calls to Service
● 12 Directed Calls
● 237 Self Initiated Calls
● 0 Report
● 0 Arrests
● Area schools have requested first aid tourniquets. Treasurer Wheeler identified the need for 390 CAT and 58 SWAT tourniquets. Estimated cost of 448 tourniquets is ~$16,900. Treasurer Wheeler to compile bids for the next meeting for purchase approval. Tentative deliveries to school are set for Sept/Oct 2024.

4. June 2024 Treasurer's Report - JC Wheeler
● Income: $15,009.65
● Expenses: $19,769.34
● Net Income: ($4,759.69)
● Treasurer Wheeler notes the month's loss includes a contribution to the Saint Louis
County Sewer Lateral Fund, though this does not normally count as an expense, yet still has to be accounted for. A discussion was held to set up sewer lateral contributions as a prepaid expense.

5. June 2024 Road and Building Commissioner's Report - Ryan Richardson
● Nothing to report.

6. Solid Waste Management Commissioner's Report - Heidi Warren
● Nothing to report.

7. Village Clerk Report - Abigail Richardson
● 1 garage sale permit issued.

8. Chairman's Report - Neil Vohsen
● Occupancy permit issued for 9044 Kathleen Ave.

9. New Business
● Nothing to report.

10. Open Business and Citizen Comments
● John Roussin from Asphalt Restoration & Restoration, Inc. shared the procedure for
repaving roads and citizen communication plan in early/mid August, weather permitting.
● Susan Piazza, municipal manager for Republic Services, shared her company's waste
management capabilities and various services. The Village will outline service
specifications necessary for the community and submit them to various waste
management companies to bid in the fall. The Village will follow up with Susan Piazza at that time for Republic Services' bid.