Jared Huffman

07/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/22/2024 19:05

Huffman Votes to Pass Water Resources Development Act, Celebrates Wins for Northern California

Huffman Votes to Pass Water Resources Development Act, Celebrates Wins for Northern California

July 22, 2024

Today, U.S. Representative Jared Huffman voted to pass the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) of 2024.The legislation includes key North Coast and environmental priorities championed by Representative Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael), a member of the committee. This legislation provides authority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to carry out water resources development projects and studies, as well as reforms and policy direction to the Corps for implementation of its civil works missions.

"Crippling droughts, sea level rise, and ecosystem degradation fueled by climate change are increasingly straining our nation's water resources -- especially coastal communities like many in my northern California district that are on the frontlines of the climate crisis. WRDA is one of our best lines of defense against these impacts. This legislation allows us to make smart water infrastructure investments and regularly modernize how the Army Corps works at our ports, harbors, reservoirs, and waterways," said Rep. Huffman. "The provisions in this year's package build on the transformative investments the Biden-Harris administration and Democrats secured in the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, spurring long-term resiliency of our water projects while creating jobs and stimulating the economy."

The legislation included numerous provisions Rep. Huffman has championed and lead on, including:

  • Rep. Huffman and Bruce Westerman (R-AR)'s LAKES Act,which authorizes Corps recreation facilities to retain a portion of recreation collected fees.

  • Language making it clear that the Corps has flexibility for easement and access to manage and maintain restoration projects.

  • Allows the Corps to contract with a third party for mitigation projects. Rep. Huffman has previously partnered with Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) to advance this priority.

  • Makes the Corps beneficial use of dredged material program permanent.

  • A sea level rise study for the San Francico Bay Area to investigate measures for the region to adapt and prepare.

  • Expands disadvantaged community program and allows for up to 100% federal cost share for such communities.

  • Expansion of the Humbolt Harbor feasibility study to analyze how deep and wide they can modify the channel to support offshore wind development.

  • Studyon efforts from Federal agencies to reduce the release of microplastics into the environment.

  • Makes the tribal partnership program permanent.

  • Make water supply a primary mission of the Corps.

Rep. Huffman also successfully advocated to keep out environmentally harmful language, including bad Clean Water Act provisions and efforts to dismantle the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process.

Congress has also successfully enacted four consecutive bipartisan WRDAs in 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024. More information on WRDA 2024 can be found here.


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