Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan

10/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/16/2024 04:11

EU Statement on the occasion of the Sixty-Sixth Session of CTBTO Working Group A, 16 October 2024


EU Statement on the occasion of the Sixty-Sixth Session of CTBTO Working Group A, 16 October 2024


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union. The candidate countries Türkiye, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina[1]and Georgia, the EFTA countries Iceland and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, as well as Armenia, Andorra and San Marino align themselves with this statement.

The EU wishes to thank the Executive Secretary, Dr. Robert Floyd, for his opening statement and for his report on Non-Verification-Related Activities for the period April-August 2024. We express our appreciation to the Chair and Provisional Technical Secretariat, for the timely preparations and informal consultations prior to this Session. We also take note with appreciation of the report of the Advisory Group (AG) and support the recommendations contained therein.

The entry into force and universalization of the CTBT remains a priority for the EU. We urge all States that have not yet done so, to sign and ratify the CTBT. We also call upon the remaining Annex 2 States, who still need to sign and ratify the Treaty in order to bring it into force, to do so without any preconditions or further delay. In the meantime, it is crucial for international peace and security that all States fully observe the moratorium on nuclear test explosions or any other nuclear explosion, and refrain from any action contrary to the object and purpose of the Treaty. In this regard, we call on all concerned States to continue to honour their engagements.

We congratulate the Group of Friends of the CTBT for the successful organisation of the 11th Ministerial Meeting of the Friends of the CTBT, on 24th September, in New York. The European Union and its Member States were pleased to associate themselves with the Joint Ministerial Statement, reiterating inter alia the call for the Treaty's entry into force.


The EU thanks the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) for providing the final draft of the Budget Update Proposal for 2025 and can support it. We take positive note of the introduction of new elements, proposed by the Advisory Group. The share of verification related costs is proposed to increase to 80.5% and it is important that this percentage remains high. We welcome the further optimization and reprioritization of activities, and encourage the PTS to continue its efforts in that regard.

We urge all States Signatories to pay their outstanding contributions and arrears without further delay. Paying assessed contributions is not optional, and the failure to do so is inconsistent with the Resolution establishing the Preparatory Commission. We note with concern that assessed contributions paid during the fourth semester of a biennium are difficult - if not impossible - to implement within the financial rules and regulations of the Organisation. Thus, all efforts should be made towards the early payment of assessed contributions for the sake of the verification regime's efficient operation and the PTS's financial health.

Ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of the verification regime, through an IMS Sustainment Strategy remains essential. We thank the PTS for circulating an additional Information Paper on the financial approach to IMS Sustainment based on technical needs and risk assessment. On the basis of this Paper, States Signatories will have to make tough but important choices about budget size and allocation in the course of the next year. We look forward to further discussions on identifying a sustainable way forward, as regards re-basing the budget from 2026 onwards to support the much needed IMS Sustainment plan.


The EU has so far contributed over € 29.5 million in extra-budgetary contributions to the CTBTO. This reflects the strong commitment of the EU and its Member States to the Treaty and to its implementation. These funds are being used inter alia to improve the auxiliary seismic station network, to strengthen CTBTO on-site inspection capabilities, and to provide assistance to experts from developing countries through the Technical Experts Support Programme (TESP). In this regard, we welcome the sustained efforts within the CTBTO towards gender equality and equitable geographical representation, including the enhanced participation of female experts in capacity building programmes and activities.

Regarding the conclusion of cooperation agreements with other international organisations, the EU would like to reiterate its strong support to the Inter-Agency Response to Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies framework (IACRNE) and encourages the PTS to swiftly provide a proposal to the PrepCom for a renewed agreement on sharing relevant data, in the case of a nuclear accident or crisis.

In conclusion, Chair,

We assure you of the EU's full support and cooperation, and stress that the Report of this Session should be factual and concise, focusing on the administrative and financial issues included on Working Group A's agenda.

Thank you.

[1]North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina continue to be part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.