Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abraod of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria

06/26/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Mr. Attaf holds working session with Austrian counterpart in Vienna

Mr. Attaf holds working session with Austrian counterpart in Vienna

Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf, held on Wednesday, in Vienna, a working session with his Austrian counterpart, Alexander Schallenberg, as part of the official visit he is paying to Austria, tasked by the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

The session focused on exploring ways to strengthen the historical ties that have united the two countries for over six decades. Discussions centered on areas that are currently priorities in our country's development agenda and are simultaneously at the core of bilateral cooperation priorities.

In this regard, both sides welcomed the promising opportunities in the renewable energy sector, particularly in green hydrogen, with the launch of the 'SoutH2 Corridor' structural project, while emphasizing the need to expand cooperation to include other areas that could create new partnership opportunities between the two countries, such as rail transport, desert agriculture, mining, and the pharmaceutical industry.

On political matters, the two parties exchanged views on various international and regional issues of mutual concern. These included developments in their respective regions and the dramatic situation in Gaza, which has persisted for over eight months.

In this regard, both parties reaffirmed their countries' positions, which are grounded in international law and UN principles. They expressed hope that the UN would fulfill its crucial role, especially given the complex crisis currently affecting the system of international relations.

To conclude, the ministers held a joint press conference where they presented the fruitful outcomes of their meeting, and the agreed-upon bilateral events as well as an action plan aimed at promoting and broadening bilateral relations to vast mutually beneficial perspectives.