Governor General of Canada

10/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/03/2024 09:52

Order of Canada Investiture Ceremony

October 3, 2024

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Welcome everyone and congratulations to today's appointees.

And let me also congratulate you in my mother tongue, Inuktitut:

[In Inuktitut:] Congratulations and thank you for everything you do for our country and for all Canadians.

People who have demonstrated excellence have several things in common.

They see opportunities where others see constraints.

They are resilient in the face of challenges - perhaps a little stubborn, too. And they are deeply passionate about what they do.

So passionate that some are surprised to be recognized with honours such as the Order of Canada.

Last June, Madeleine Humer from Victoria, British Columbia, was made a member of the Order of Canada for her work as a music teacher and a children's choir conductor. In the media, she said it seems strange to be honoured for "waving her hands at children" all day.

Big achievements begin with love, conviction and hope for a better future.

And whether you realize it or not, you end up building something greater than yourself.

You have dedicated your work and talents to building something greater than yourself.

In different ways, in a variety of fields, you have helped bring people together, like Madeleine Humer does with music.

You have given a voice to marginalized people and minority cultures.

You have advanced our collective reconciliation with Canada's Indigenous peoples - a contribution very close to my heart.

You have helped tackle some of today's most pressing challenges, like climate change.

In a world burdened by divisions, polarization and conflict, you have championed inclusion.

Justice. Health. Knowledge. Innovation. And numerous other ideals that make our country better.

The snowflake insignia that you are about to receive is a symbol of the uniqueness of your accomplishments - as no two snowflakes are alike. It also represents Canada's unity in diversity.

Let's continue celebrating the diversity that makes our country strong.

The Order of Canada is not just about past achievements.

It is about the ongoing journey of our nation.

It is a call to continue striving for greatness, and to inspire further positive change around you.

I encourage you to submit nominations for other people who demonstrate excellence - particularly people who, historically, have been less likely to be nominated or recognized - so that the Order of Canada represents the full diversity of our rich nation.

I also encourage you to use this recognition to give your actions even greater scope.

Remain committed. Reach new audiences. Keep opening doors for others.

And to end with a music metaphor: keep composing the harmonious world our children deserve.

Once again, congratulations.

[In Inuktitut:] Congratulations!