Utah Public Service Commission

09/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/05/2024 07:58

9/4/24 23 035 10 – Comments from UCE

Docket No: 23-035-10

Docket Year: 2023

PacifiCorp's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan

For questions regarding documents not linked call 801-530-6716

Date Description
September 4, 2024 Comments from Utah Clean Energy on the Order Suspending Deadlines in the 2023 IRP Order
September 4, 2024 Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
September 4, 2024 Comments of Western Resource Advocates
August 21, 2024 Order Suspending Deadlines in the 2023 IRP Order and Request for Comments
August 8, 2024 PacifiCorp's Notice to Public Service Commission of Utah
July 30, 2024 Public Comments from July 30, 2024
July 11, 2024 Order
July 1, 2024 Public Comments from July 1, 2024
June 20, 2024 Public Comments from June 20, 2024
May 30, 2024 Comments of Utah Clean Energy
May 30, 2024 Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
May 30, 2024 Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
May 30, 2024 Comments of the Utah Association of Energy Users
May 30, 2024 Comments of Western Resource Advocates
WRA Attachment A - WRA First Feedback Form 2025 IRP
WRA Attachment B - Review of IRP PIMs 2016-2024
May 30, 2024 Sierra Club Comments on PacifiCorp's Integrated Resource Plan Process
May 28, 2024 Public Comments from May 28, 2024
May 21, 2024 Public Comments from May 21, 2024
May 20, 2024 Public Comments from May 20, 2024
May 16, 2024 Public Comments from May 16, 2024
May 15, 2024 Public Comments from May 15, 2024
May 1, 2024 Appendix A, Re: Dusty Monks for the Utah Office of Energy Development
April 17, 2024 Order
April 5, 2024 PacifiCorp's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Update Supporting Data
Rocky Mountain Power's Supporting Workpapers
Rocky Mountain Power's Supporting Workpapers [CONFIDENTIAL]
Rocky Mountain Power's Supporting Workpapers [HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL]
April 1, 2024 Public Comments from April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024 PacifiCorp's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Update
January 31, 2024 PacifiCorp's Reply Comments
January 31, 2024 Division of Public Utilities' Reply Comments
January 31, 2024 Reply Comments from Utah Clean Energy
January 31, 2024 Reply Comments of Western Resource Advocates
January 16, 2024 Public Comments from January 16, 2024
December 29, 2023 Public Comments from December 29, 2023
December 27, 2023 Public Comments from December 27, 2023
December 26, 2023 Public Comments from December 26, 2023
December 22, 2023 Public Comments from December 22, 2023
December 14, 2023 Public Comments from December 14, 2023
December 12, 2023 Public Comments from December 12, 2023
December 12, 2023 Comments of the Utah Association of Energy Users
UAE Exhibit 1 - IRP Guidelines Order
UAE Exhibit 2 - RMP's Responses to UAE Data Requests 3.6 and 3.7
December 12, 2023 Comments from Utah Clean Energy
December 12, 2023 Comments of Western Resource Advocates
Certificate of Service
December 12, 2023 Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
December 12, 2023 Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
OCS Attachment A - OCS Stakeholder Feedback Form for PacifiCorp's Preliminary 2023 IRP
OCS Attachment B - RMP's Responses to OCS Data Requests 2.1 to 2.6
December 12, 2023 Redacted Sierra Club's Opening Comments on PacifiCorp's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan
Sierra Club's Opening Comments on PacifiCorp's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan [CONFIDENTIAL]
December 12, 2023 Comments of the Interwest Energy Alliance
December 11, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Hunter Holman for the Western Resource Advocates
November 27, 2023 Public Comments from November 27, 2023
November 22, 2023 Public Comments from November 22, 2023
November 17, 2023 Public Comments from November 17, 2023
November 16, 2023 Public Comments from November 16, 2023
November 13, 2023 Public Comments from November 13, 2023
November 3, 2023 Public Comments from November 3, 2023
October 24, 2023 Recorded Live Stream of Technical Conference Held October 24, 2023
October 23, 2023 Public Comments from October 23, 2023
October 23, 2023 Technical Conference Stakeholder Questions Grouped by Topic
October 23, 2023 Order Granting Intervention of Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable Energy
October 20, 2023 Public Comments from October 20, 2023
October 19, 2023 Public Comments from October 19, 2023
October 18, 2023 Public Comments from October 18, 2023
October 16, 2023 Public Comments from October 16, 2023
October 11, 2023 Public Comments from October 11, 2023
October 10, 2023 Public Comments from October 10, 2023
October 10, 2023 Sierra Club's Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Utah Clean Energy's Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Questions Submitted by Fervo Energy Company in Advance of Technical Workshop
October 10, 2023 Division of Public Utilities' Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Office of Consumer Services' Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Salt Lake City Corporation's Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Western Resource Advocates' Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Utah Association of Energy Users' Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Vote Solar Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 10, 2023 Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable Energy's Questions for the October 24, 2023 Technical Conference
October 5, 2023 Public Comments from October 5, 2023
October 4, 2023 Public Comments from October 4, 2023
October 3, 2023 Public Comments from October 3, 2023
October 2, 2023 Public Comments from October 2, 2023
October 2, 2023 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Utah Citizens Advocating Renewable Energy
September 28, 2023 Public Comments from September 28, 2023
September 25, 2023 Public Comments from September 25, 2023
September 22, 2023 Public Comments from September 22, 2023
September 21, 2023 Public Comments from September 21, 2023
September 20, 2023 Public Comments from September 20, 2023
September 19, 2023 Public Comments from September 19, 2023
September 8, 2023 Public Comments from September 8, 2023
September 7, 2023 Public Comments from September 7, 2023
September 6, 2023 Public Comments from September 6, 2023
August 28, 2023 Public Comments from August 28, 2023
August 17, 2023 Public Comments from August 17, 2023
August 15, 2023 Public Comments from August 15, 2023
August 9, 2023 Public Comments from August 9, 2023
August 8, 2023 Public Comments from August 8, 2023
August 4, 2023 Public Comments from August 4, 2023
August 2, 2023 Public Comments from August 2, 2023
July 18, 2023 Public Comments from July 18, 2023
July 7, 2023 Public Comments from July 7, 2023
July 6, 2023 Order Granting Intervention of Fervo Energy Company
July 5, 2023 Public Comments from July 5, 2023
June 30, 2023 Public Comments from June 30, 2023
June 28, 2023 Public Comments from June 28, 2023
June 27, 2023 Public Comments from June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023 Scheduling Order and Notice of Technical Conference
June 26, 2023 Public Comments from June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Sarah Wright for Utah Clean Energy
June 21, 2023 Public Comments from June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Jessica Loeloff for Western Resource Advocates
June 20, 2023 Public Comments from June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Supporting Information
RMP Appendix A - Load Forecast
RMP Appendix F - Flexible Reserve Study
RMP Appendix I - Capacity Expansion Results
RMP Appendix O - Washington 2 Year Program Additional Elements
RMP Chapter 1 - Executive Summary
RMP Chapter 3 - Planning Environment
RMP Chapter 5 - Reliability and Resiliency
RMP Chapter 6 - Load and Resource Balance
RMP Chapter 7 - Resource Options
RMP Chapter 8 - Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation
RMP Chapter 9 - Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results
RMP Attachment 1 - DSM
RMP Attachment 2 - Price Curves
RMP Attachment 3 - LT Model
RMP Attachment 4 - MT Model
RMP Attachment 5 - ST Model
RMP Attachment 6 - File Mapping and Descriptions
June 16, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan Confidential and Highly Confidential Supporting Information
RMP Appendix A - Load Forecast [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix F - Flexible Reserve Study [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix H - Stochastic Parameters [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix J - Stochastic Simulation Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix K - Capacity Contribution [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix N - Energy Storage Potential Evaluation [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix O - Washington 2 Year Program Additional Elements [HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 1 - Executive Summary [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 6 - Load and Resource Balance [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 7 - Resource Options [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 8 - Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 9 - Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 10 - Action Plan [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 1 - Input Assumptions [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 2 - MT Model [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 3 - ST Model [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 4 - New Load [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 6 - PAO MM Limited March 3 [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 7 - PAO MM no B2H [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 9 - PCO MM Gas Replacement 8494 [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 11 - PCO MM HTG2 2028 [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 13 - PCO MM JB GC 2026 EOL [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 14 - PHO HH Base [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 15 - PMO EP MN Base [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 16 - PMNO MM no Nuclear [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 17 - PSO SC Base [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 18 - File Mapping and Descriptions [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 18 - File Mapping and Descriptions [HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL]
June 15, 2023 Public Comments from June 15, 2023
June 13, 2023 Public Comments from June 13, 2023
June 12, 2023 Public Comments from June 12, 2023
June 12, 2023 Petition for Leave to Intervene of Fervo Energy Company
June 9, 2023 Public Comments from June 9, 2023
June 8, 2023 Public Comments from June 8, 2023
June 7, 2023 Public Comments from June 7, 2023
June 7, 2023 Notices of Filing and Virtual Scheduling Conference
June 6, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Alondra Regalado for Sierra Club
Certificate of Service
May 31, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power's Cover Letter
2023 Integrated Resource Plan Volume I (Amended Final)
2023 Integrated Resource Plan Volume II (Amended Final)
May 24, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Jennifer Eden and Logan Mitchell for Utah Clean Energy
May 12, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Don Hendrickson for the Utah Association of Energy Users
May 8, 2023 Order Granting Intervention of Western Resource Advocates
May 8, 2023 Order Granting Intervention of the Interwest Energy Alliance
May 4, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Maria Roumpani and Joseph Walderman for Sierra Club
Certificate of Service
May 1, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power's Cover Letter
Supplemental Supporting Materials, Sensitivity Studies, and Additional Information for the Analyses Included in the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan
RMP APPENDIX K - Capacity Contribution [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP APPENDIX N - Energy Storage Potential Evaluation [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Appendix O - Washington Allocated and Interim Targets [HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 1 - Executive Summary [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 6 - Load and Resource Balance [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 7 - Resource Options [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 9 - Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results
RMP Chapter 9 - Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Chapter 10 - Action Plan [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 1 - LT Model
RMP Attachment 2 - MT Model
RMP Attachment 2 - MT Model [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 3 - ST Model
RMP Attachment 3 - ST Model [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 4 - Sensitivity Studies
RMP Attachment 4 - Sensitivity Studies [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 5 - Input Assumptions [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 6 - File Mapping and Descriptions
RMP Attachment 6 - File Mapping and Descriptions [CONFIDENTIAL]
RMP Attachment 6 - File Mapping and Description [HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL]
May 1, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Devin Gaby for Sierra Club
Certificate of Service
April 28, 2023 Order Granting Intervention of the Utah Association of Energy Users
April 28, 2023 Order Granting Intervention of Sierra Club
April 27, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Rose Monahan, Leah Bahramipour, and Edward Burgess for Sierra Club
Certificate of Service
April 27, 2023 Order Granting Intervention of Utah Clean Energy
April 17, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power's Cover Letter
Supporting Materials and Additional Information for the Analyses Included in the 2023 Integrated Resource Plan
RMP Appendix A - Load Forecast
RMP Appendix F - Flexible Reserve Study
RMP Appendix I - Capacity Expansion Results
RMP Appendix O - Washington 2 Yr. Prog. Rep. Add Elements
RMP Chapter 1 - Executive Summary
RMP Chapter 3 - Planning Environment
RMP Chapter 5 - Reliability and Resiliency
RMP Chapter 6 - Load and Resource Balance
RMP Chapter 7 - Resource Options
RMP Chapter 8 - Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation
RMP Chapter 9 - Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results
RMP Attachment 1 - DSM
RMP Attachment 2 - Price Curves
RMP Attachment 3 - LT Model
RMP Attachment 4 - MT Model
RMP Attachment 5 - ST Model
RMP Attachment 6 - File Mapping and Descriptions
April 14, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Karl Boothman, Nancy Kelly, and Sophie Hayes for Western Resource Advocates
April 14, 2023 Petition to Intervene of Western Resource Advocates
April 12, 2023 Interwest Energy Alliance's Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance
April 7, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Sarah Puzzo for Utah Clean Energy
April 7, 2023 Appendix A, Re: Phillip J. Russell for the Utah Association of Energy Users
April 7, 2023 Petition to Intervene of the Utah Association of Energy Users
April 7, 2023 Sierra Club's Petition to Intervene
April 5, 2023 Utah Clean Energy's Petition for Leave to Intervene
April 3, 2023 Notice of Filing and Clarification of Comment Period
April 3, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power's Cover Letter
2023 Integrated Resource Plan Volume I
2023 Integrated Resource Plan Volume II
March 28, 2023 Order Granting Request for Extension to File
March 10, 2023 Public Comments from March 10, 2023
March 10, 2023 Comments from the Office of Consumer Services
March 10, 2023 Comments from the Division of Public Utilities
March 10, 2023 Comments of Western Resource Advocates
March 9, 2023 Comments of the Utah Environmental Caucus
March 9, 2023 UCARE's Comments
March 3, 2023 Notice and Request for Comments
March 2, 2023 Action Request, Due: March 31, 2023
March 2, 2023 Rocky Mountain Power's Request for Extension

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