Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea

06/28/2024 | News release | Archived content

Unification Ministry names actor Yoo Ji Tae an ambassador for promoting North Korean human rights to raise awareness of North Korean human rights issues

Actor Yoo Ji Tae was named an ambassador for promoting North Korean human rights

Unification Ministry names actor Yoo Ji Tae an ambassador for promoting North Korean human rights to raise awareness of North Korean human rights issues (June 27)

On June 27, the Ministry of Unification appointed actor Yoo Ji Tae as an ambassador to promote North Korean human rights and spread awareness about the gravity of North Korean human rights issues at home and abroad.

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho stated at the appointment ceremony, "Actor Yoo Ji Tae has consistently shown a keen interest and demonstrated considerable experience regarding North Korean human rights." He added, "The Ministry of Unification will actively support and cooperate with Ambassador Yoo Ji Tae to spread the realities of North Korean human rights."

Actor Yoo Ji Tae expressed his commitment by saying, "I always believed that the human rights issues of North Korean defectors, particularly those in China, are dire. I will do everything in my power to help spread awareness of North Korean human rights issues."

The Ministry of Unification plans to carry out various activities to spread the realities of North Korean human rights, including domestic and international events and policy promotions, in collaboration with Ambassador Yoo Ji Tae.