DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

07/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 12:10

Janelle Bynum Defends Reproductive Rights As Lori Chavez DeRemer Lies About Anti Abortion Record

Last week, the anniversary of the Supreme Court's disastrous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade demonstrated the stark contrast between Oregon State Representative Janelle Bynum and vulnerable anti-abortion extremist Lori Chavez-DeRemer.

Bynum, who has a history working to preserve and expand Oregonians' access to abortion, highlighted her tireless efforts and plans "to take the fight to Washington" in order to protect reproductive rights for women and families nationwide.

Meanwhile, Lori Chavez-DeRemer's perpetual hypocrisy around her support of House Republicans' anti-choice, anti-women agenda was on full display across Oregon's 5th District as billboards from the DCCC highlighted the vulnerable Republican praising the Dobbs decision to rip reproductive rights away from women across the country.

Check out what Oregonians are reading and watching on the role abortion is playing in the race for OR-05:

From KTVZ:


KTVZ: Today marks the second anniversary the US Supreme Court decided to reverse Roe v. Wade, which gave women the federal right to an abortion. Now, Democratic leaders are using this anniversary as a way to show their support for reproductive health ahead of the November elections.

Janelle Bynum: [Lori Chavez-DeRemer's] idea of protecting women's reproductive rights is somewhere far-right. It's within the MAGA extremists' spectrum, and I don't think there's any room for that here.

We are seeing that they are going after other forms of birth control, other forms of reproductive health care, until they get a full ban across the country. That is what this is about. Make no mistake. [Chavez-DeRemer] saying that it's about states rights, no. That's a screen in basketball.

Oregon Capital Chronicle: On second anniversary of Dobbs, Democrats press their support for abortion rights
Lynne Terry | June 24, 2024

  • A slew of Democratic politicians have fired off campaign statements and staged events in Oregon and across the country to mark the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision against abortion rights.

  • The issue has become a central part of Democratic campaigns, especially in swing districts like the 5th Congressional District in Oregon. Janelle Bynum, a Democratic state representative who's vying to replace incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, repeated her support of abortion rights on Monday.

  • "I have fought tirelessly to protect reproductive rights and abortion access here in Oregon, and I'm ready to take the fight to Washington," Bynum said in a statement.

  • Citing Capital Chronicle reporting, Bynum blasted Chavez-DeRemer for flip-flopping on the issue.

  • "In the 2022 Republican primary, Chavez-DeRemer made clear that she supported a nationwide abortion ban after six weeks, before most women even know they're pregnant. A few months later, she then pledged she wouldn't oppose funding for reproductive care. But in Congress, she revealed her true intentions - siding with anti-choice groups to block the federal government from reimbursing service members for their reproductive care and endangering IVF services."

  • The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which has thrown its weight behind Bynum, announced Monday it's launching a billboard campaign targeting Chavez-DeRemer on abortion rights, saying she had worked with "extremists" in supporting four anti-abortion bills that have passed the U.S. House.

  • "Over the next five months, we will ensure Oregonians do not forget that it was Lori Chavez-DeRemer who praised Donald Trump's Supreme Court for ending reproductive freedom as we know it," said Dan Gottlieb, a committee spokesman.

  • Support for abortion rights remains strong in Oregon, where the Legislature has repeatedly passed bills to shore up them up.

Oregon Public Broadcasting: On anniversary of Dobbs decision, Oregon congressional candidates chime in on abortion
Bryce Dole | June 24, 2024

  • Candidates for Oregon's 5th Congressional District chimed in on one of the top issues this election year - abortion - on Monday, the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

  • Oregon's 5th Congressional District is a swing district, and the winner in the race between the Republican incumbent and her Democratic challenger could decide which party controls Congress. That makes national issues like abortion key even in states like Oregon, where it is legal.

  • Republican U.S. Rep Lori Chavez-DeRemer applauded the 2022 Supreme Court ruling as supporting state's rights… Democratic state Rep. Janelle Bynum vowed to protect abortion access and criticized her opponent as having shifted her stance.

  • Bynum, meanwhile, criticized the congresswoman's record, saying she has "flip-flopped" to "mislead voters on her anti-choice agenda."

  • "On this second anniversary of Dobbs being thrown out, we are committed to throwing anti-abortion extremist Lori Chavez-DeRemer out of Congress and ensure that our fundamental freedoms are protected."

  • Bynum's statements align with a larger election-year push by Democrats to portray Republicans and President Donald Trump as being responsible for ending the constitutional right to an abortion.

  • Most notably, Democrats are taking aim at five swing-district Republicans who applauded the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, including Chavez-DeRemer, as reported by Axios.

  • Grayson Dempsey is the director of public affairs for the Lilith Clinic, an independent abortion clinic with an office in Portland. In her view, voters are growing increasingly concerned about the rollback of abortion rights in several states, prompting people to travel for thousands of miles to receive health care, sometimes at risk of prosecution or their personal health.

  • "I think people are fired up," she said.

  • Oregon's 5th Congressional District is one of 16 led by Republicans in areas President Joe Biden won in 2020. Chavez-DeRemer won in 2022 by two percentage points.