12/09/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/09/2024 21:38
Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 9, 2024
Stephanie Brackin, Communications Director
Agency of Natural Resources
802-261-0606, [email protected]
ANR Shares Comprehensive Corrective Action Plan to Enhance CAFO Permit Program
Montpelier, VT - The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) announced today the submission of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed to address deficiencies with Vermont's existing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permit program over the next four years. The proposed work will ensure agricultural water quality protections meet Clean Water Act obligations through an ANR-led and managed CAFO program.
The CAP was submitted in response to a directive from the EPA to revamp Vermont's CAFO program to ensure compliance with the Clean Water Act following its review of a petition submitted by the Conservation Law Foundation. The plan is now with EPA for their review and comment, with feedback expected in early 2025.
The CAP outlines a series of steps, including the development of internal administrative processes, CAFO permits, and CAFO rules. Key commitments of the CAP include:
Role Clarification: ANR and the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) will clearly distinguish their respective roles, responsibilities, and authorities for farms.
Permit Determination: ANR will assess whether farms require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) CAFO permit. ANR will become the lead regulator for any farms found to be discharging and therefore need to obtain coverage under a federal NPDES CAFO permit, while AAFM will continue to regulate farms that do not need a CAFO permit.
Data Sharing and Joint Inspections: ANR and VAAFM will expand the use of shared data management systems to enhance inspection, permitting, monitoring, and enforcement activities. Once fully staffed, ANR will lead the routine joint inspections of all medium and large farms, with ANR reviewing all Nutrient Management Plans prior to inspections to ensure conformance with Clean Water Act expectations.
Regulatory Updates: ANR will develop and adopt an updated Vermont CAFO Rule, update the Medium Farm General CAFO Permit, and develop Individual CAFO Permit for large farms.
Performance Tracking: ANR is also committing to tracking Key Performance Indicators and providing annual reports to EPA and interested members of the Vermont public to ensure transparency and accountability.
Join a public informational session that will be held on Monday, December 16, 2025, 2:00 - 3:00 PM at the Dewey Building, National Life in Montpelier and online. Find more information on the CAFO web page.