Parlamento Europeo

06/09/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Rescue boats charged backdated port fees, human rights and legal uncertainty in the single market: the case of the Aita Mari

Rescue boats charged backdated port fees, human rights and legal uncertainty in the single market: the case of the Aita Mari


Question for written answer E-001650/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Vicent Marzà Ibáñez (Verts/ALE)

The Valencian Government has levied backdated port fees on humanitarian boats that conduct rescue missions in the Mediterranean, such as the Aita Mari. The previous government exempted these boats from port fees. The Valencian Government hopes that this arbitrary and retroactive decision will deter these kinds of operations in Valencian ports such as Borriana, Benicarló, Vinaròs and Dénia.

In light of the above:

  • 1.Does the Commission consider charging humanitarian boats, such as the Aita Mari, backdated port fees to be a breach of the fundamental rights of the European Union, which include the protection of human rights, as enshrined in Article 2 TEU?
  • 2.Given that the European Union is committed to the international obligations of marine rescue and humanitarian aid, what is the Commission's view on the Valencian Government charging backdated fees to vessels such as the Aita Mari in relation to these obligations and the values of the EU?
  • 3.Does the Commission consider the charging of port fees, especially retroactively and arbitrarily, to pose an obstacle to the free provision of services and legal certainty in the single market?

Submitted: 6.9.2024