Rockhampton Regional Council

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2024 21:41

Business and big builds meet at Industry Breakfast Update

Business and big builds meet at Industry Breakfast Update

Published on 17 July 2024

Rockhampton Region businesses have been given an invaluable opportunity to meet with representatives from four major projects driving our economic future at Advance Rockhampton's Industry Breakfast Update.

Delivered by Rockhampton Region Council's lead economic development agency, representatives from the Rockhampton Ring Road Project (Department of Transport and Main Roads), Stanwell, Heritage Minerals and Mort & Co provided construction updates, estimates on future workforce requirements and advice for businesses seeking to supply to major projects.

Rockhampton Region Mayor Tony Williams said the event offered exclusive insights into future growth industries.

"Construction, energy, resources and agriculture are some of the key industries which will sustain and develop the Rockhampton Region's economy over the coming decade. To have representatives from each of those industries under one roof is an incredibly unique and valuable opportunity for local businesses," Mayor Williams said.

"Today's event hosted by Advance Rockhampton gave local businesses the opportunity to form connections with proponents, fostering a greater understanding of potential collaborations, contract opportunities and beneficial economic flow-on effects.

"With $12 billion of projects in the pipeline, Rockhampton Region businesses are in a prime position to work together and capitalise on multi-million-dollar tenders which will be opening over the coming years."

The delivery of the Industry Breakfast Update aligns with four of the five economic pillars identified in the Rockhampton Region Economic Action Plan, which will set the region up for significant growth into the future.

Advance Rockhampton's Economic Development Manager, Wade Clark, said Advance Rockhampton continues to lead the way in establishing connections between businesses and key proponents.

"It can be difficult for businesses to have a direct line of contact with the operators of major projects which is why the Industry Breakfast Update proved so popular, with around 200 people in attendance," Mr Clark said.

"The support we've received today from some of our major projects has been overwhelming and I thank them for their attendance and transparency. Today they've shown a desire to work with local businesses, and I look forward to seeing the benefits of those newly formed connections."

For more information on business events hosted by Advance Rockhampton, visit