Auto Trader Group plc

07/17/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Comment: Expensive Car Supplement

It's unlikely that the frozen threshold for the expensive car supplement (ECS) is impacting new car sales - rising cost of living, rising new car prices and flat levels of manufacturer discount are the biggest factors here.

Key spokesperson

Ian Plummer

Commercial Director


Plummer continued:

"However, as two thirds of electric vehicles (EVs) are impacted by the ECS compared to less than half of internal combustion engine cars, it does mean EVs feel the full brunt of this policy. To help aid a smooth and fair transition, we'd like to see the threshold raised to £50,000 for used electric cars - or if we really want to see a government walking the walk when it comes to a fairer, greener future remove the ECS for used electric cars altogether."
