DGA - Democratic Governors Association

10/28/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/28/2024 10:37

Kelly Ayotte, Who Bragged About Being the “Only Pro Life Woman” in the U.S. Senate, Now Won’t Say if She’s Pro LifeLatest News Year in Review

Kelly Ayotte, Who Bragged About Being the "Only Pro-Life Woman" in the U.S. Senate, Now Won't Say if She's Pro-Life

This weekend, Kelly Ayotte made her final appearance on WMUR's CloseUp where she was asked directly: "are you still pro-life?" Kelly Ayotte refused to answer, despite describing herself that way as recently as February of this year, and spending her career working to restrict abortion rights - including votingfor a national abortion ban, voting four times to defund Planned Parenthood, calling for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and shepherding Neil Gorsuch onto the Supreme Court.


Throughout her career, Ayotte has repeatedly touted her pro-life credentials, repeatedly called herself pro-life, and referred to herself as the "only pro-life woman in the United States Senate…"

Ayotte has earned the support of extreme, anti-choice organizations, including the Susan B. Anthony List, an organization whose stated mission is "to end abortion" throughout the United States. Ayotte also received the endorsement of New Hampshire Citizens for Life, which "dub[bed] her a hero to the [anti-abortion] movement," as well as the National Right To Life Committee, which gave her a "100 percent pro-life voting record during her entire term in the U.S. Senate."

Now that it's an election year with reproductive rights a top issue for Granite State voters, Ayotte is trying to downplay and dodge her record. Despite working overtime to mislead voters, Ayotte has refused to commit to ending civil and criminal penalties for doctors who provide critical medical care to their patients, and still says she would defund Planned Parenthood - New Hampshire's largest provider of reproductive care - which she refers to as "the largest provider of abortions in the country and also it's really somewhat of a political organization."


  • "I'm pro-life. You can probably go look at my history in the Senate." (Nashua GOP City Committee, 2/24/2024).

  • "I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that I would not be standing here tonight as the only pro-life woman in the United States Senate from the state of New Hampshire without the support of the Susan B. Anthony list." (SBA List Campaign for Life Gala, 2/01/2012).

  • "I need more pro life women in the United States Senate to help me carry on this fight to protect the sanctity of life and to make sure that we defend the rights of the unborn." (SBA America, 2/23/2011).

  • "I am pro-life. I think abortion should be very limited." (C-SPAN, 9/09/2010).

"After spending years bragging about her pro-life bona fides, Kelly Ayotte is once again lying to Granite Staters who overwhelmingly oppose her record of attacking abortion rights and reproductive freedom," said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O'Brien. "The facts are clear: Ayotte voted against reproductive rights at every turn and helped stack the extreme Supreme Court majority that overturned Roe v. Wade, rolling back abortion rights and empowering extremists across the country - including in New Hampshire - to propose dangerous new abortion restrictions. No matter what Kelly Ayotte says now, New Hampshire voters know the truth about how she's threatened their most fundamental freedoms, and they know they can't trust her in the corner office."
