European Parliament

07/18/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Addressing illegal Turkish actions aimed at boosting occupation regime in northern part of Cyprus

Addressing illegal Turkish actions aimed at boosting occupation regime in northern part of Cyprus


Question for written answer E-001383/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Emmanouil Fragkos (ECR)

Regrettably, fifty years after the invasion and occupation of the northern part of the Republic of Cyprus, no efforts are being made to address Türkiye's moves to boost its puppet occupation regime.

If law and lawfulness are to be defended it is essential to undermine Turkish actions, marginalise the puppet occupation regime and put pressure on Türkiye to withdraw its troops, as required by the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

Unfortunately, states such as Germany, France, the US, Russia, the UK, Switzerland and Australia have opened representation offices in the occupied territories of Cyprus.

In view of this:

  • 1.Does the Commission not think that initiatives to transfer these liaison offices for interfacing with Cyprus' Turkish speaking inhabitants to the free territories of the Republic of Cyprus would go some way towards defending lawfulness and the interests of Cyprus and the EU?
  • 2.Ahead of Erdoğan's new upcoming illegal visit to Cyprus, when does the Commission finally intend to impose the tough sanctions requested by the European Parliament in its joint motion for a resolution (procedure 2020/2844 (RSP))?
  • 3.Does it not agree that the 'verbal condemnations' made by the Council and the Commission over the past five years concerning Türkiye's illegal presence in Cyprus have coincided with the unacceptable reinforcement of Türkiye's military presence in Cyprus and with third parties (namely the Organisation of Turkic States, Azerbaijan, Gambia and Pakistan) increasingly making moves towards recognising the occupied territories, ultimately resulting in the political/diplomatic credibility of the EU simply being diminished?

Submitted: 19.7.2024