Southern Illinois University System - Edwardsville

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 15:29

Dr. Jerry Weinberg Retires from SIUE with a Lasting Gift

Dr. Jerry Weinberg Retires from SIUE with a Lasting Gift

July 24, 2024, 4:18 PM

Jerry Weinberg, PhD, a computer science professor, associate provost for research, and dean of the Graduate School at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, recently celebrated his retirement. During his farewell celebration, Jill Smucker, director of graduate education, presented him with a special gift from the Graduate School staff: one of his photographs, "In the Garden of Optimism," displayed in the Graduate School lobby, Rendleman Hall 2215. The photo will also become part of the SIUE University Museum collection.

"One of Jerry's many talents and passions is photography, and he has shared countless beautiful photographs with his colleagues over the years," said Smucker. "Displaying one of his photographs in the Graduate School lobby and having it become part of the University Museum collection felt like the ideal way to honor his legacy of being an unwavering advocate for graduate education and research excellence at SIUE."

"I titled my photo, 'In the Garden of Optimism,'" said Weinberg, "because a walk through the Gardens connects us with nature, supporting our mental and physical well-being. I encourage all to take a daily walk through the Gardens."

The photo was captured during one such walk through the Gardens at SIUE. Weinberg and his wife came across an expecting doe, which he says inspired a sense of optimism for good things to come.

The staff's choice to display this specific photo adds another level of meaning and emotion for Weinberg.

"As Dean, I wanted the Graduate School to be a source of support and optimism for students, staff, and faculty across the institution," said Weinberg. "This photo connects with my aspirations for the Graduate School."

Weinberg's interest in photography began in early high school when his older brother gifted him a used camera kit. This passion continued throughout high school, where he served as a yearbook photographer, and into college, where he photographed university events and portraits.

"The photo bug resurged in me about six years ago," said Weinberg. "I began sharing my photos on a photography social media site, where some of my photos were selected to be a part of exhibits in various cities around the world."

When asked what he will value the most from his career at SIUE, Weinberg reflected on his many colleagues and collaborators.

"There aren't adequate words for me to express how grateful I am to have such amazing colleagues," said Weinberg. "The list would be long, however, just to name a few: the Graduate School staff, the research center directors, the deans, Provost Cobb, my students who became great collaborators - Erin Harris, Jeff Croxell, Steve Klein, Kristen Caufield, Dr. Gary Mayer, Dr. Ross Mead, and Dr. Jenna Gorlewicz. Dr. Susan Morgan holds a special place for me. We worked together for nearly two decades, starting as chairs in the School of Engineering, then as the leaders of the Graduate School. I owe much of the success of the Graduate School to Dr. Morgan and our partnership over the years."

In retirement, Weinberg plans to combine his interests in nature photography and gardening, the latter of which he began during the COVID lockdowns. He urges others to help maintain green spaces in the area and is currently working toward becoming a certified master gardener. He spent his first volunteer hours for the certificate tending to the Gardens at SIUE.

"It is critical that each of us contribute, even if it feels insignificant," said Weinberg. "The sum of what we do together can make a difference, and, through generations, we contribute to social change that will have a positive impact on future environmental health."

Weinberg's contributions to SIUE will continue to impact and inspire future generations. The SIUE community wishes him all the best in his next chapter.

PHOTO: "In the Garden of Optimism" Jerry Weinberg photography