Southern Illinois University System - Edwardsville

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 16:29

From Ghana to SIUE: Pearl Abredu's Inspiring Journey of Growth and Adaptability

From Ghana to SIUE: Pearl Abredu's Inspiring Journey of Growth and Adaptability

July 24, 2024, 5:07 PM

Pearl Abredu, a second-year graduate student in Applied Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, embodies the spirit of determination and cultural adaptability. Hailing from Ghana, Abredu's journey to SIUE is a testament to her commitment to personal and professional growth, driven by a passion for communication and teaching.

Abredu's academic journey began with a bachelor's degree in business administration, specializing in Human Resource Management. Reflecting on this choice, she notes, "To be a good HR specialist, you need to have a solid communication background because communication is the pivot of every organization." This realization led her to pursue a master's degree in communication, ultimately bringing her to SIUE.

Abredu's choice to attend SIUE was influenced by several factors, including the University's prompt response to her application, affordable tuition fees, and the offer of a graduate assistantship.

She fondly recalls, "The admission officers were incredibly supportive, always ready to answer my questions." These factors, combined with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience as a teaching assistant, made SIUE the ideal choice for her graduate studies.

Her role as a teaching assistant has been both challenging and rewarding.

"Initially, dealing with different cultures in the classroom was tough, but over time, I've learned to navigate these challenges," says Abredu. This experience has taught her patience and the importance of collaboration, which prove to be invaluable skills in both academic and professional settings.

One of the most impactful projects Abredu worked on was during her first semester with Professor Josie DeGroot, where she learned coding for research purposes. She reflects, "It was a new skill for me, and the project provided a straightforward way to learn and apply it." This experience has enriched her academic journey, equipping her with practical skills that she can use in future research projects.

Transitioning to life in the United States from Ghana, with a prior stint in China, presented its own set of challenges. However, Abredu's previous experience in adapting to a new culture in China eased her transition to the U.S. "Each day here brings something new. It's a learning curve," she reflects.

Support from the SIUE faculty and resources has been instrumental in Abredu's success. "The resources available for research and education are excellent, and my supervisor, Dr. Scott, has been a great mentor," she says. Balancing her responsibilities as a graduate student and teaching assistant, along with adapting to a new environment, has required excellent planning and organizational skills.

Personally, and professionally, Abredu has experienced significant growth since starting her graduate studies at SIUE. She reflects, "Growth is a process, and I've learned and unlearned many things along the way." Her ultimate goal is to become a professor, a dream that SIUE has helped her move closer to by providing her with teaching opportunities and academic support. For prospective students, especially international ones, Abredu's advice is simple: stay focused and have a plan.

She advises, "Do what works best for you in achieving your goals. SIUE is a place where you can thrive." Abredu believes that SIUE offers a strong sense of community and inclusivity, with numerous programs and activities that involve everyone and foster a sense of belonging.

This article is part of the "You Belong Here" story series, which showcases the remarkable journeys of SIUE students as they strive to achieve their academic, personal, and professional aspirations. Through this series, we aim to highlight the diverse experiences and achievements of our students, showcasing their resilience, determination, and growth.

By sharing these stories, we hope to inspire current and prospective students, as well as the wider community, to recognize that SIUE is a place where dreams can be realized. Our commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment empowers our students to flourish academically, personally, and professionally.

PHOTO: Pearl Abredu, second-year graduate student in Applied Communication Studies