Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

07/04/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Meeting of the Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias with the EU High Representative J. Borell and joint visit to the HQ of the European Operation “ASPIDES” in Larisa[...]

Home >2nd position> Meeting of the Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias with the EU High Representative J. Borell and joint visit to the HQ of the European Operation "ASPIDES" in Larisa (5/7/2024) and to the "PSARA" Frigate in Djibouti (6/7/2024)

Meeting of the Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias with the EU High Representative J. Borell and joint visit to the HQ of the European Operation "ASPIDES" in Larisa (5/7/2024) and to the "PSARA" Frigate in Djibouti (6/7/2024)

July 4, 2024


On Friday 5 July 2024, the Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias will meet in Athens with the High Representative of the European Union for matters of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission Josep Borrell.

Next, Mr Dendias and Mr Borrell, accompanied by Chief/HNDGS General Dimitrios Choupis and Chief/HNGS Vice Admiral Dimitrios-Eleftherios Kataras HN, will go to Larissa, where they will visit the Headquarters of Operation "ASPIDES" (OHQ EUNAVFOR ASPIDES), in the Hellenic Operations Headquarters of the European Union.

During the visit, a briefing will take place in the Headquarters and the Operations Centre of the European Operation and the Minister of National Defence and the High Representative of the European Union will make joint statements to the press.

Afterwards, Mr Dendias and Mr Borrell, accompanied by Chief/HNDGS and Chief/HNGS, will go to Djibouti, where, on Saturday 6 July 2024, they will visit the Frigate "PSARA" in the port of the city, which participates in the European Operation "ASPIDES" (EUNAVFOR ASPIDES).