City of Galveston, TX

07/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/07/2024 10:17

City facilities closed Monday except for essential personnel

GALVESTON, Texas (July 7, 2024) - Tropical Storm Beryl is expected to intensify into a Category 1 Hurricane later today and make landfall near Matagorda Bay early Monday.

Surge inundation maps have increased slightly to 3-5' for our area, which is slightly more than they were during Tropical Storm Alberto in June. The city has called for a voluntary evacuation of all areas west of the Seawall and warns that those in low-lying areas may have trouble traveling on roadways. If you are staying in your home, be sure you have all medications and supplies to last to Tuesday without leaving the house. Please avoid driving through standing water.

Out of an abundance of caution, City facilities will be closed on Monday and only essential personnel will report to work. This means police and fire services will continue as normal, as will emergency operations and select municipal services. Our public works crews will be working in force to address storm-related infrastructure issues. However, the recreation centers, public buildings, municipal court, and City Hall will all be closed Monday.

Department heads and managers are responsible for informing nonessential employees of the closure.

For residents, trash services will be postponed one day this week with Monday's route being collected Tuesday and so on. Monday's route should secure trash cans and not place them at the pickup location before Tuesday morning. If there is significant tidal inundation on the West End, we will provide updates about Tuesday's trash service as needed. Follow and @CityofGalveston on Facebook for updates.

The City of Galveston anticipates reopening all public building and resuming city operations as normal on Tuesday.

Continue to monitor the weather at and follow the City of Galveston through its website and social media for updates.