InterDigital Inc.

07/05/2024 | News release | Archived content

Can we make Ultra HD Sustainable

In FEED Magazine's recent article titled "Can we make Ultra HD Sustainable," Valérie Allié, InterDigital's Video Solution Group senior director, discusses the increase in energy consumption from Ultra HD content, and the state of the art solutions to mitigate their energy impact.

The article spotlights InterDigital's contributions to Advanced HDR solutions, alongside partner Philips, and Valérie shares how the solutions support greater sustainability in Ultra HD content by "not just cutting back on the image and getting rid of the brightest area," but by also "adapting the content so that the viewing experience and the creative intent are the same but with lower energy consumption."

In addition to Advanced HDR, InterDigital is also a pioneer of Pixel Value Reduction (PVR) solutions that balance the ability to reduce the brightness of an image, or amount of energy consumed, while optimizing the perceived visual quality to the viewer. InterDigital's contributions to and leadership within sustainable video and energy aware media solutions can be further explored here.

As demand for Ultra HD content and services grow, InterDigital's is proud to be part of a broader industry effort to deliver high quality and energy efficient video and entertainment experiences. Read the FEED article and learn more about how InterDigital is redefining the potential for sustainability in the Ultra HD landscape here.