InterDigital Inc.

07/12/2024 | News release | Archived content

Transforming XR Hype to Reality in Immersive Technology

In a recent editorial in TVB Europe, InterDigital's Philippe Guillotel, Director and Head of the Video Lab's Metavideo Group, explained the gap between expectation and reality with regards to XR technologies, and introduced the important research and solutions to bring these immersive experiences to life.

While the next generation of mobile technology is being designed with XR equipment and experiences in mind, and businesses continue to express interest in the technology's potential to revolutionize workplace and other use cases, the tech industry needs to reassess the hype and be clear about what today's technology can deliver, and the important research, innovation, and standards that help us get there.

Philippe shares that one of XR's fundamental challenges stems from the head-mounted displays (HMDs) that are needed to deliver virtual experiences. Current devices often fall short in size and weight, causing a somewhat negative experience. Advances in VR caves as well as HMDs are being made to address these issues; however, substantial improvements still need to be made.

Another pivotal advancement lies in utilizing edge computing (a cloud and physical infrastructure approach that reduces latency and bandwidth constraints) to enhance ease of use. For XR, this means smoother content streaming and enhanced interactivity, ultimately paving the way for more immersive experiences without compromising battery life and overall experience.

To avoid fragmentation and maximize utility, Philippe argues that XR developers must prioritize interoperability, or the concept of moving between virtual worlds, taking objects from one virtual reality environment to another, while ensuring intellectual property rights are guaranteed. Standards development is crucial here to ensure a cohesive XR ecosystem that benefits both creators and consumers.

The XR landscape is evolving, and its potential to reshape how we live and interact with technology is undeniable. Dive deeper into the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead in Philippe's in-depth exploration of what's ahead in the evolving XR landscape.

Read the full article, Transforming XR Hype to Reality in Immersive Technology, on TVB Europe here.