Syniverse Holdings Inc.

06/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/29/2024 12:45

Statement from Syniverse Regarding Service Disruption Issues for Overseas Travelers

Updated Statement from Syniverse Regarding Service Disruption Issues for Overseas Travelers

We have taken several positive steps and seen many positive results over the past several hours. As we reported yesterday, we identified and isolated the origin of the disruption, which we can now report was related to misconfigurations at a peering partner, outside of our network. It was not the result of a cyber attack.

As a result of this root cause, the global network became flooded with error messages causing a near infinite loop called a "signaling storm." This necessitated a blocking of a very limited number of peering partners who were producing excessive error message loops and an upgrade of network capacity.

After stabilizing the network on Thursday, June 27th, we began yesterday, June 28th, to systematically bring the blocked peering partners back onto the network in a systematic fashion, to ensure continued performance across the network. This process has been executed without incident.

At this point, all peering partners except one have been restored and the vast majority of roamers and providers around the world have had their service restored. All key performance indicators are in line with normal expectations. We will be restoring the final peering partner today and expect but cannot guarantee all service should be restored within 24 hours.

We are doing our utmost to ensure that no further disruptions occur while restoring connectivity for all mobile roamers.