LeadingAge Texas

18/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 18/07/2024 20:00

Cultures of Belonging

July 18, 2024

Cultures of Belonging

Home» Cultures of Belonging

BY Christina Carden


LeadingAge provides resources members can use now to help create or improve an organizational culture of belonging.

Fostering a culture of belonging is crucial in today's work environment, aligning with LeadingAge National's mission to inspire and advocate for aging services and those serving in our member communities. A sense of belonging on the job is essential for organizational success and employee well-being-allowing staff to be authentic without fear, and increasing their satisfaction, performance, and retention.

Research shows that employees who feel they belong experience lower stress and higher job satisfaction, leading to boosted organizational success. The Mayo Clinic highlights that feeling supported at work enhances resilience and reduces stress. Google's research indicates that psychological safety is critical to team success, fostering creativity and effective decision-making.

LeadingAge is Here to Help

Don't miss the "Improving Psychological Safety in Your Workplace" webinar on July 24 for an interactive discussion on creating a sense of belonging and developing a psychologically safe environment for all staff.

Creating a culture of belonging requires efforts from all organizational levels with an emphasis on embedding belonging into the core values, holding everyone accountable, and promoting inclusion. Senior leaders, managers, and peers must embody and model these values, provide feedback, and communicate openly.

Additional LeadingAge Resources:

Find these resources and more on our dedicated Cultures of Belonging resource webpage.