DOE - Maine Department of Education

12/11/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 09:35

Maine Surplus Property – December Update for Educational Institutions

If you missed the Maine Department of Education (DOE) Newsroom article posted in November with details about the Maine Surplus Property Donee Program, you can read it here.

Is your school looking for folding chairs or desk sets? Maine Surplus Property has these and other items available! Open this PDF to view some of the current inventory.

Approved donees may stop by Maine Surplus Property at 85 Leighton Road in Augusta Mondays through Fridays between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to purchase items from the warehouse or auction yard.

Not an approved donee yet? Members of the general public may purchase items during the Maine Surplus Property public sale on the second Friday of each month. Check out this flyer for details about the upcoming sale on December 13!

For more information, please visit Maine Surplus Property. You can also sign up here to receive automatic updates!

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