Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche

07/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/11/2024 02:58

Graduation Ceremony in Pollenzo on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, for 15 international Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Nn Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 15 students from Italy, Israel, Germany, Japan and Cuba will conclude their studies in Pollenzo and present their theses.

Here are their names and thesis titles.

Undergraduate Degree in Gastronomic Sciences and Culture

Nahuel Buracco, 26 from Turin (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "Progettare l'innovazione gastronomica: un approccio metodologico integrale", supervised by Prof. Gabriella Morini.

Mattia Cauda, 23 from Grinzane Cavour (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "Il ricco sapore del rum e l'amara storia della schiavitù", supervised by Prof. Simone Cinotto.

Nadav David, 26 from Binyamina (Israel), will defend his thesis titled: "Beyond Cryptocurrency: Coordinating the Agricultural Supply Chain - A Suggested Framework for a Blockchain Multi-Agent System", supervised by Prof. Lorenzo Bairati.

Filippo Del Prato, 22 from Bergamo (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "Interazione tra prodotto fermentato e ambiente come risorsa di biodiversità", supervised by Prof. Andrea Pieroni.

Susanne Renate Gardemann, 36 from Berlin (Germany), will defend her thesis titled: "Culinary Medicine: Exploring Mushrooms as Nutraceuticals and Pharmaceuticals", supervised by Prof. Gabriele Volpato.

Anna Gentili, 22 from Milan (Italy), will defend her thesis titled: "Prometeo felice: riconoscersi innocenti per sottrarsi dal maglio dei disturbi alimentari", supervised by Prof. Nicola Perullo.

Valter Guiggi, 31 from Bra (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "On the Edge of Tamed Wilderness: Past and Future Gastronomy and Relationships with Nature in Alta Valdera", supervised by Prof. Andrea Pieroni.

Yotam Kornmehl, 29 from Ramat Negev, D.N. Halutza (Israel), will defend his thesis titled: "Sustainability Strategies for Kornmehl Farm: Circular Economy, Local Economy, and Agroecology", supervised by Prof. Franco Fassio.

Rioha Kuroda, 25 from Hyogo Takarazuka (Japan), will defend her thesis titled: "Sustainable Practices in Japanese Wagyu Production: A Case Study of JA Kagoshima Kimotsuki and Jukuho Farm Co., Ltd.", supervised by Prof. Paola Migliorini.

Lorenzo Massa, 22 from Genua (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "L'olio extravergine di oliva artigianale nel mercato globale degli oli mass-market", supervised by Prof. Donatella Saccone.

Marcello Micheletto, 24 from Ferrara (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "Looking at foraging as a potential alternative support for Fibromyalgia", supervised by Prof. Andrea Pieroni.

Nicolò Palandri, 28 from Genua (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "Il tonno rosso: storia, pesca e relative problematiche", supervised by Prof. Silvestro Greco.

Mikhail Pinelli, 22 from Imperia (Italy), will defend his thesis titled: "Gastro-anarchia", supervised by Prof. Nicola Perullo.

Melissa Relova Posada, 23 from La Havana (Cuba), will defend her thesis titled: "Acceptance of Dairy Products Made from Buffalo Milk in a Population Accustomed to Consuming Cow's Milk Products", supervised by Prof. Luisa Torri.

Graduate Degree course in Food Innovation & Management

Martina Boni, 23 from Caravate (Italy), will defend her thesis titled: "Food branding e identità di marca. Evoluzione della società e strategie promozionali nel marketing dell'industria alimentare", supervised by Prof. Maria Giovanna Onorati.