Alaska Department of Natural Resources

11/27/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/27/2023 12:48

LAS 33376- Land Use Permit Renewal to GCI Communication Corp for Storage


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LAS 33376- Land Use Permit Renewal to GCI Communication Corp for Storage

LAS 33376

GCI Communication Corp

Subject to AS 38.05.850, the Northern Regional Land Office has received an application for the following:

APPLICANT: GCI Communication Corp


GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Southern portion of the gravel pad northeast of the main Franklin Bluffs gravel pad. Approximately 380-mile Dalton Highway.

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Within Section 9, Township 4 North, Range 14 East, Umiat Meridian.

REQUESTED ACTIVITY: GCI Communication Corp is seeking to renew their permit, serialized as LAS 33376 for tundra sod storage that is used for the rehabilitation of fiber optic trenches. Immediate activities covered under this renewed permit include the use of state land to store materials.

Start: January 1, 2024
End: December 31, 2026

DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS: December 11, 2023

The public is invited to comment on this activity. To ensure consideration, written comments must be received by the Division of Mining, Land and Water at 3700 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709 on or before 5:00 p.m. on the date noted above. Comments or questions about this activity or requests to view the full application packet should be directed to Haley Evans, Telephone: 907-451-2806; Fax: 907-451-2751 or e-mail: [email protected].

After review and adjudication, we may issue an authorization with stipulations for the activity. The activity may be modified during the review and adjudication process.

DNR-DMLW complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services or special modifications to comment should contact Alaska Relay at 711 or 800-770-8973 for TTY services.

The DMLW reserves the right to waive technical defects in this notice.

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 11/27/2023 9:36:14 AM by haevans


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Deadhorse
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 11/27/2023
Archive Date: 12/12/2023