City of New Brunswick, NJ

09/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/16/2024 17:40

Community Outreach Program Aims to Improve Lives in New Brunswick

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ (September 16, 2024) - A new statewide campaign designed to ensure eligible New Jerseyans and their families are aware of the vast number of state resources available has launched in New Brunswick.

Members from The Garden State Community Outreach initiative are conducting door-to-door outreach around the Hub City, providing application assistance for a range of available resources.

Those knocking on doors will be wearing Garden State Community Outreach vests and have ID tags (pictured above) from the program.

The Garden State Community Outreach is part of Gov. Phil Murphy's promise to create a "stronger and fairer" New Jersey. Numerous cost-saving and life-changing programs have been created or expanded over the last seven years to boost affordability and improve access to critical health and mental health care.

The outreach initiative is promoting resources and programs across multiple departments, including those that provide access to quality, affordable health care; deliver life-saving mental health services; provide crucial assistance to keep the lights on and the heat running; deliver thousands of dollars in tax benefits, and the latest-Family Connects NJ, delivers nurses to the doorsteps of new families to promote healthy outcomes for newborns.

Visit the program's website to learn more: