Sacramento County, CA

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 12:51

County Workers Offer Help During Power Outage

A power outage left over 100 people in Sacramento County without AC during recent triple-digit temperatures. In Citrus Heights, 190 mobile homes were without power during the outage on the evening of Thursday, July 11. Despite the scorching heat, Sacramento County's Office of Emergency Services (OES) along with other local agencies quickly responded, helping residents find ways to stay cool and safe until power was restored. The next day, OES called Sacramento County's Adult Protective Services (APS) to help check on older and disabled adults who live in the mobile homes.

A team of APS workers went door-to-door to help. They knocked on the doors of all the 190 homes that were impacted. The APS workers stayed into the evening providing cases of water and battery-operated fans. Five social workers, two family service workers, and one supervisor from APS went to the mobile home park. They were able to get in touch with roughly half of the people who live at the mobile home park. Some of the residents were not home and were able to find other places where they could cool down. The APS workers conducted wellness checks on those who stayed in their homes and let residents know about nearby resources. The APS team members say many of the residents expressed how thankful they were to have so many people coming to check on them.

Sacramento County Adult Protective Services Human Services Program Manager Brian Pyne said this is just one of many instances where he's been proud of his team for their hard work.

"The team's dedication to the safety and well-being of Sacramento County's seniors and dependent adults was on full display," said Brian.

Brian said he knew it wasn't easy to go door-to-door when it was 110+ outside.

"Situations like this remind me that I work with a very amazing group of people willing to do whatever it takes to help the seniors and dependent adults in our community," said Brian.

Sacramento County OES stayed at the mobile home throughout the outage. They also helped with overnight shelter assistance at Citrus Heights City Hall. Power was restored to the mobile home park on Friday, July 12.

Sacramento County thanks everyone who came out to help during the power outage to ensure the mobile home park residents stayed safe.