City of Malibu, CA

09/01/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Malibu Prepares for 2024 Wildfire Season with National Preparedness Month Events in September Everbridge Disaster Notification System Test Message Thursdays at 5:00 PM. no sign[...]


disaster Notification tests

Everbridge Disaster Notification System Test Message - Thursdays at 5:00 PM. no sign-up required

For September Preparedness Month, the City will send a weekly test message using the Everbridge Disaster Notification System, which the city has been using for several years for the most serious emergencies that threaten lives and properties, and evacuations. Each week the city will send a test message to one of Malibu's Evacuation Zones. Look up your Evacuation Zone. Most landlines and cell phone numbers with Malibu addresses are automatically entered into the system.

  • Thursday, September 5, 5:00 PM - Evacuation Zone MAL-C111
  • Thursday, September 12, 5:00 PM - Evacuation Zone MAL-C112
  • Thursday, September 19, 5:00 PM - Evacuation Zone MAL-C113
  • Thursday, September 26, 5:00 PM - Evacuation Zone MAL-C114

If you do not receive a test message during Preparedness Month, please contact the Public Safety Department at [email protected]. If you would like to create a profile or update your Everbridge contact information, visit the online Everbridge portal. For assistance, contact the Public Safety Department at [email protected].

Malibu's sixth annual safety and preparedness fair, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm AT CITY HALL

Take your emergency and wildfire preparedness to the next level in advance of wildfire season at the City of Malibu's Annual Safety and Preparedness Fair on September 15. Malibu's peak wildfire season is coming fast, and the City is working to help the community be prepared for wildfires, as well as earthquakes, floods, and other disasters.

Malibu faces a variety of potential disasters, including wildfires, floods earthquakes, and tsunamis, making it essential for the entire community to take active steps to be prepared. The City is committed to offering information, resources, trainings and guidance to help community members be more prepared and resilient, including the Safety and Preparedness Fair.

Whether you're just getting started, or you're ready to take your family, neighborhood or business preparedness to the next level, you'll find a wide variety of excellent resources at the Safety and Preparedness Fair to help you get there.


Earthquake Simulator - Kids and adults can take a wild ride in Safe-T-Proof Earthquake Simulator to experience what it feels like to be in a house when a major earthquake strikes. The simulator effectively demonstrates the importance of anchoring furniture and heavy objects like TVs as part of making your home more earthquake safe.

Fire Extinguisher Training - Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers will set up and demonstrate their Emergency Information and Supplies Station. They will also offer live-fire training for guests to learn how to safely and properly use a fire extinguisher on small fires. No registration required.

Emergency Preparedness Services and Products Vendors - Participating companies will show their emergency preparedness services and products, answer questions, and some will have on-site sales.

Learn About Volunteer Opportunities - Attendees can learn about a variety of local emergency and safety related volunteer opportunities with Arson Watch, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Malibu Volunteers on Patrol (VOP), and Community Brigades.

Learn About Brush Clearance and Home Wildfire Hardening - Meet the City's Fire Safety Liaisons, former wildland firefighters, and learn how you can harden your home against wildfire. They'll teach you how to protect your home from the millions of embers that can fly out more than a mile ahead of a wind-driven wildfire like the Woolsey Fire, and which are a leading cause of homes burning down during a wildfire. The Fire Safety Liaisons can also give you advice on proper brush clearance and making your emergency plans.

Fun and Educational for Kids - The Expo is a great opportunity for kids to learn about emergency preparedness and meet the hardworking law enforcement, fire and rescue professionals who help keep our community safe.

Bicycle/Scooter Safety Rodeo - Safe Moves, a non-profit dedicated to traffic safety education for children and teens, will host a fun Bicycle and Scooter Safety Rodeo, where kids can learn safety tips while riding real bikes and scooters. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who must sign a waiver.

Touch-a-Truck - Kids can see, touch and get inside specialty emergency and law enforcement vehicles, including a Fire Engine; LA County Sheriff's Department Search Rescue truck, patrol car, and motorcycle; a California Highway Patrol (CHP) car and motorcycle; a Southern California Edison utility repair truck; and a tow truck.

Rock Climbing Wall - Fun, free activity for kids and adults.

Food and Desserts - Food will be available for purchase from the In & Out food truck and Tikiz Shaved Ice.

Raffle - Every attendee will receive a free raffle ticket for a chance to win one of many great prizes.

Participating Emergency Services, Products, and Information Booths

  • • IPS
  • • Blaze Blockers
  • • Natural Disaster Survival Products
  • • Genasys Protect
  • • National Weather Services (NWS)
  • • Wildfire Home Protection Service
  • • Safe Soss
  • • Brushfire Battle Systems
  • • Boys & Girls Club Malibu
  • • Malibu CERT
  • • Malibu VOP