FIIAPP - Fundación Internacional para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas

07/19/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/19/2024 02:34

Middle East, North Africa and Europe work to improve counter-terrorism capabilities in prisons


Middle East, North Africa and Europe work to improve counter-terrorism capabilities in prisons

Public officials from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa strengthen counter-terrorism efforts in prison systems

The city of Larnaca, Cyprus, hosted an important meeting with thirty people from the public penitentiary systems of the Middle East, North Africa and Europe with the aim of strengthening the fight against terrorism in the penitentiary systems of their countries.

The meeting, organised by the European project CT Just, was attended by representatives from Finland, Romania and Spain and brought together experts from Eurojust and countries such as Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco. It focused on improving counter-terrorism capabilities within detention centres.

Prisons, designed for rehabilitation, are increasingly becoming breeding grounds for terrorist networks. Overcrowding and scarce resources create fertile ground for radicalisation, and extremist inmates take advantage of these conditions to recruit and spread propaganda. These networks pose significant security threats by orchestrating violence and maintaining connections with the outside world. Understanding these networks is crucial and experts from various fields, such as judicial, social and security, must work together to develop effective solutions. And in this process, prison staff, with their valuable expertise, are key. The aim of the meeting was to analyse the problem, identify best practices and create a roadmap to combat this growing threat.

During the event, the importance of balancing security with human rights was emphasised, highlighting that adherence to international human rights standards is essential to prevent further radicalisation due to perceived injustices.

Julián Cabrero López, Chief Judge and key expert of the CT JUST project, underlined the need for inter-institutional cooperation and the shift from a "need to know" to a "need to share" mentality among institutions to improve the overall effectiveness of counter-terrorism measures.

The CT JUST project aims to strengthen the capacities of authorities throughout the counter-terrorism crime chain, contributing to the effective dismantling of terrorist and recruitment networks, and ensuring the reparation and dignity of victims. The project focuses on three key lines of action to combat terrorist networks: strengthening the counter-terrorism legal framework, boosting the preventive and operational efforts of the institutions involved, and fostering essential multilateral and cross-border collaboration. This comprehensive approach facilitates knowledge sharing, strengthens the fight against terrorism and addresses its transnational challenges more effectively.