CSG Systems International Inc.

07/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/15/2024 12:11

What Is Telecom Customer Journey Orchestration

Customer journey orchestration refers to using real-time data at the individual customer level to analyze current behavior, predict future behavior, and adjust the journey in the moment to help customers accomplish a specific task (e.g., schedule a service appointment or upgrade their data plan).

Customer journey orchestration uncovers the context of customer interactions and makes real time decisions about the next best action, guiding customers toward their desired outcome through personalized communications.

Customer journey orchestration:

Delivers a personalized experience that makes it easier for customers to achieve the desired outcome.Journey orchestrationprovides a layer above the communication channels themselves, to organize customer conversations on a personalized level. A customer profileprovides real-time information about the customer's needs (based on data usage history) and preferences (such as communication channel). This knowledge allows CSPs to engage customers at the right time, on their terms. For example, the decisioning system sends an offer via text message (the preferred channel) for an upgraded data plan-before the customer exceeds the data allowance and incurs overage charges.

Avoids sending the wrong messages.Customer journey orchestration acts like an air traffic controller, coordinating communications so they don't collide with each other. For example, the system suppresses conflicting communications during a support journey. Someone who is currently complaining about a service outage or unexpectedly high bill isn't likely to respond favorably to a "renew your contract now" email.

Enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.Customer journey orchestration eliminatessome of thetop churn drivers for telecom customers:

  • Broken omni channel flows(e.g., being transferred between departments, having to call more than once, repeating themselves multiple times when transferred between agents). Customer journey orchestration powersintent-based call routingthat directs callers to the correct agent, reducing transfers and the need to repeat themselves.
  • Poor agent service.Customer journey orchestration powers proactive guidance for contact center agents, providing the information they need to assist customers quickly and accurately, preventing the need to call again.
  • Wasting customer time (e.g., resolving a problem took too long, waited too long for a service technician to arrive).Notifying customers that a technician is delayed, and allowing them to reschedule, avoids wasting their time.