University of Wisconsin - Superior

09/17/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 11:21

Warm Welcome: How a Snowstorm Led to a Perfect Fit at UW-Superior for Breeanna Angell


The Fall 2024 Semester at the University of Wisconsin-Superior began on a warm and sunny September day. For incoming student Breeanna Angell, the weather was a stark contrast to the April 2023 Spring Preview Day she first visited campus.

"The Spring Preview Day had only six students show up because there was a major snowstorm the night before," said Angell, who graduated from Winneconne High School.

As those familiar with the Twin Ports' weather in late winter and early spring know, conditions can be unpredictable. For Angell and her parents, making the long drive from Zittau, Wisconsin, to Superior proved to be challenging.

"My family and I planned to drive up to campus early Saturday morning to make it to campus by 8 a.m.," said Angell. "After we watched the weather, my parents decided to leave Friday after I got home from school to try to make it to Superior before the snowstorm hit.

"We only made it to Spooner, Wisconsin, when the weather got too bad, and the highway was shut down for the night. Then we woke up early from our hotel the next morning and drove straight to Superior."

The difficult two-day travel to UW-Superior's Spring Preview Day proved beneficial - even though the event wasn't well attended due to the weather.

"When I got on campus, I realized how much I loved it," said Angell. "Also, since there were only five other students who showed up, I was able to receive a very personalized tour and conversation with an admissions counselor. After I left campus, I felt like Superior was the school for me because it had everything I was looking for - small class sizes, a personalized experience, a small campus and the option to have my car with me since I would be five hours from home."

The limited attendance also had the benefit of exploring additional opportunities at UW-Superior that may have not been discovered in a larger setting.

"I learned about the Swenson Family Scholarship when I visited campus for Spring Preview Day," said Angell. "My family and I were interested in the financial aid and scholarships UW-Superior had to offer. I walked up to the table and talked to Angela Kappes who then informed me about the Swenson Scholarship since I would be a biology major. I also received an email about the Swenson Scholarship and how to apply for it after I was accepted."

The first visit was enough to show Angell that UW-Superior had everything she was looking for and that it would help prepare her for the future.

"I wanted to attend a smaller college, where the professors would know me individually and help me prepare for medical school," said Angell. "I also wanted a college that was in a small-town setting. UW Superior had the feel I was looking for."

Angell is majoring in biology for pre-med (pre-podiatry) and hopes to add a minor in chemistry in the future. That academic journey will be assisted by the Swenson Family Trust Scholarship.

"I was in complete shock when I received the phone call that I was selected," said Angell. "I was very overwhelmed with happiness and excitement. I received the call the Friday before my birthday in May. I didn't know the number that was calling me, but I answered it anyway because it was a Northern Wisconsin number. When I answered it and Ben Mooney told me who he was and what he was calling about, I was beyond thrilled to hear why he was calling. After I got off the phone, I felt a huge weight off my shoulders as this will help me so much financially."

The Swenson Family Trust Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship that includes a $1,000 annual stipend for books and other fees. Each year, it is awarded to ten qualified new freshmen students with financial need who are pursuing careers in biology, environmental science, chemistry, or math and computer science. The scholarship is automatically renewed for three additional years as long as the student continues in a qualified major and maintains full-time status with a GPA of at least 3.0. Jim and Sue Swenson, alumni of UW-Superior, established the Swenson Family Trust Scholarship program in 1994. Their vision was to provide full-tuition scholarships to academically talented incoming students at UW-Superior. Since Jim and Sue received help through the generosity of others in funding their college educations, they felt strongly about "giving back" to students who qualify for financial assistance.

Although the semester has just begun, Angell is filled with anticipation for the days ahead.

"I am most excited about my studies and knowing that my professors are here to help me," she said. "I am looking forward to completing my gen-eds and starting to take more advanced classes in my field of study. I am also looking forward to all the academic support systems."

After graduating, Angell knows there will be additional schooling required to reach her goal of becoming a podiatrist. In the meantime, she's hoping to work with new potential students to help provide the experience she found so beneficial.

"I would also love to work in admissions and have the chance to tour others around the campus. I am excited about the fun different organizations that UW-Superior has to offer as a way to be more involved in the campus."