EIA - Energy Information Administration

29/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 30/07/2024 01:20

Monthly Energy Review

Beginning with the September 2023 Monthly Energy Review (MER), we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources. Visit our Changes to the Monthly Energy Review page to learn more.

A publication of recent and historical U.S. energy statistics. This publication includes total energy production, consumption, stocks, and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and carbon dioxide emissions; and data unit conversions values.

Each month, most MER tables and figures present data for a new month. These data are usually preliminary (and sometimes estimated or forecasted) and likely to be revised the following month. The first dissemination of most annual data is also preliminary. It is often based on monthly estimates and is likely to be revised later that year after final data are published from sources, according to source data revision policies and publication schedules. In addition, EIA may revise historical data when a major revision in a source publication is needed, when new data sources become available, or when estimation methodologies are improved. A record of current and historical changes to MER data is available on the What's New in the Monthly Energy Review-Content Changes webpage.

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Energy overview

  • 1.9Light-duty vehicle average miles travel by technology type
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • 1.10Electric and fuel cell electric light-duty vehicles overview
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF

Energy consumption by sector

  • 2.7U.S. government energy consumption by agency, fiscal years
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • 2.8U.S. government energy consumption by source, fiscal years
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF


  • 3.7Petroleum consumption by sector:
  • 3.8Heat content of petroleum consumption by sector:
  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF

Natural gas

  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF

Crude oil and natural gas resource development

  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF


  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF


  • 7.2Electricity net generation:
  • 7.3Consumption of combustible fuels for electricity generation:
  • 7.4Consumption of combustible fuels for electricity generation and useful thermal output:
  • 7.7Electric net summer capacity:
  • 7.8Capacity factors and usage factors at electric generators:
  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Notes on estimated monthly data (1989-2000)
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Estimating power sector fuel use
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Allocating municipal solid waste to biogenic and nonbiogenic energy
  • Available formats:PDF

Nuclear energy

  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF

Energy prices

  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF

Renewable energy

  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Allocating municipal solid waste to biogenic and non-biogenic energy
  • Available formats:PDF


  • Carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption:
  • Section notes
  • Available formats:PDF

Appendices (heat rates, conversion factors, and more)

  • Appendix A
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Approximate heat content of:
  • A1Petroleum and biofuels
  • Available formats:PDF
  • A6Approximate heat rates for electricity, and heat content of electricity
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • Appendix A documentation
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Appendix B
  • Available formats:PDF
  • B1Metric conversion factors
  • Available formats:PDF
  • B2Metric prefixes
  • Available formats:PDF
  • B3Other physical conversion factors
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Appendix C
  • Available formats:PDF
  • C1Population, U.S. gross domestic product, and U.S. gross output
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • Appendix D
  • Available formats:PDF
  • D1Estimated primary energy consumption in the United States, selected years, 1635-1945
  • Available formats:PDFXLS
  • Appendix D section notes
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Appendix E
  • Available formats:PDF
  • E2Primary Energy Production by Source, Fossil Fuel Equivalency Approach
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • E3Primary Energy Consumption by Source, Fossil Fuel Equivalency Approach
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • E4Renewable Energy Production and Consumption by Source, Fossil Fuel Equivalency Approach
  • Available formats:PDFXLSCSV|Interactive
  • Appendix E documentation
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Appendix F
  • Available formats:PDF
  • Appendix F microdata file
  • Available formats:ZIP
  • Appendix F monthly state file
  • Available formats:XLS
  • Appendix F documentation
  • Available formats:PDF


  • Glossary
  • Available formats:PDF