Telesat Corporation

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 07:23

Seeing is believing – The Telesat Lightspeed Network Emulator

As the Telesat Lightspeed program continues to build momentum, many enterprise and service provider customers are eager to understand how enterprise-class space-based services will perform when integrated into their networks. Enterprise-class Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) connectivity in space is a new concept, and telecom operators need a way to see and understand how it will affect their service offerings.

LEO technology can provide a "virtual fiber" network reaching any point on Earth, allowing service providers to bridge the connectivity gap and gain more customers. The key to making this new market opportunity happen is seamless integration. Historically, interoperability was not possible due to satellite networks' proprietary characteristics. This situation has changed significantly as some satellite operators have adoptedMEF standards.

The Telesat Lightspeed constellation is adopting theMEF 3.0 Carrier Ethernetservice standards, which certify a compliant network that provides "dynamic, performance-enhanced, orchestrated, and high-speed connectivity." With MEF certification, satellite connectivity now "speaks the language" of terrestrial networks and shows how software-defined digital services can be procured and integrated into their networks. But understanding is one thing, and execution is another.

Test - evaluate - validate

Now, Telesat customers have a tool to test how a customer's applications and use cases will perform over the Telesat Lightspeed network. The Telesat Lightspeed Network Emulator offers a plug-and-play platform with a pre-loaded Telesat Lightspeed system configuration runtime and common Ethernet network interfaces for easy deployment within a customer's network. It includes a sophisticated Graphical User Interface (GUI) for controlling and monitoring platform settings, services, and performance dashboards. It allows customers to test traffic, validate applications, and compare Telesat Lightspeed performance vs. other network alternatives.

The Telesat Network Emulator delivers multiple benefits to service providers looking to understand precisely how enterprise-grade LEO connectivity impacts their service offerings. These include:

  • Assess Telesat Lightspeed Value- application performance, advanced service configurations, quality of service (QoS) benefits
  • Customer Use Cases and Engagement- vertical-specific capabilities, guided development of tailored solutions, demonstrations and testing with end customers
  • Government and Defence- encryption, secure links, training and simulations
  • Accelerate Time to Market and Early Revenue Generation- point of presence (PoP) selection, user terminal assessment, solution implementation decisions
  • Cost-effective testing - efficient resource utilization, scalability, risk mitigation,and time savings

Here are some specific Emulator test cases performed by Telesat engineers with customers:

  • Connected encrypted voice and data services through the emulator using the customer's existing equipment, which is currently utilized for GEO operational services.
  • Demonstrated and tested emergency response Wi-Fi deployment equipment through the emulator.
  • Conducted tests involving flying a drone and streaming video footage.
  • Evaluated the performance of online gaming.
  • Tested a hybrid deployment between GEO and the Telesat Lightspeed emulator, showing seamless integration without any issues.
  • Assessed end-user quality of experience for internet-based applications such as Netflix (TCP/IP), YouTube (UDP), and Microsoft Teams (UDP).

Using the Emulator, value-added service providers can ensure they are ready to deliver new services to their customers worldwide, such as video streaming, low-latency gaming, VPN, encrypted webpage access, e-commerce, and more. Telesat Lightspeed will offer pole-to-pole fibre-like connectivity with scalable, concentrated capacity around large ports and busy flight routes, delivered with committed information rates and guaranteed service level agreements (SLAs).

By designing Telesat Lightspeed toMEF standards, customers can take advantage of ubiquitous, high-capacity, and low-latency connectivity without the complexities inherent in integrating traditional satellite-based solutions. With the Emulator, service providers can know with certainty how space-based virtual fibre will open a new world of possibilities for them and their customers. It's a crystal ball showing exactly what the new reality of low latency,enterprise-classspace networks can deliver.