Eni S.p.A.

05/04/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/04/2023 07:22

Eni Rovuma Basin provides School material to Kuparata and Kumilamba Primary Schools in Pemba

Pemba (Mozambique), 4 May 2023 - Eni Rovuma Basin, on behalf of Area 4 partners, together with Cabo Delgado provincial authorities delivered today, several equipment and school material, to Kuparata and Kumilamba primary schools in Pemba. This initiative is implemented under the Coral South FLNG project in partnership with Cabo Delgado Provincial government aimed to support the improvement of the education system in the province.

The equipment and school material handed over by Eni, represented by Mr. Mario Bello and Mr. Giorgio Vicini, was received by Cabo Delgado Governor, Mr. Valige Tauabo, and includes computers, books, chairs, bookcases, sports equipment, and other didactic material that will benefit more than 4000 students of Kumilamba and Kuparata schools.

The implementation of the integrated education project is part of Eni Rovuma BasinĀ“s commitment to contribute to inclusive, equitable and quality education, including the expansion of learning opportunities, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Eni has been supporting the development of the education system in Cabo Delgado since 2013, by investing in adequate infrastructures, training teachers, providing school material and by improving the student's nutrition. More than 5000 children have benefited from these initiatives so far.