NYU - New York University

25/07/2024 | News release | Archived content

Ask the Intern: Emily Muniz at Growth and Development Services

Photo by Jonathan King

If there's one thing Emily Muniz (CAS '26) learned from watching Legally Blonde, it's that being a lawyer doesn't mean you can't be a fashionista. As the politics major works toward her goal to attend law school and live out her Elle Woods dreams, she's spending this summer nurturing her public speaking and advocacy skills as a community outreach specialist and mental health advocate at the New York City-based nonprofit Growth and Development Services.

The organization provides a range of programs and resources to support and empower adolescents who face social injustice, family instability, and mental health challenges.

"I'm thrilled by the chance to work with public officials to advance the adoption of initiatives or resources that would support the restoration of equity in the educational system-a matter that is very important to me," Emily says.

THE GIG: My role at GDS is to help advocate for crucial mental health and youth leadership development services. That means conducting research on the availability of mental health services and how that impacts intercity youth and families in northern Manhattan. As part of our summer youth program Leaders for Change, I help youth members research issues in their communities and find solutions, or connect them with individuals who can assist them.

A picture of Emily and the others in the Leaders for Change program. Photo provided by Emily Muniz.

DAILY ADVOCACY: In addition to assessing needs in the community, I also speak at community events and community board meetings and reach out to public officials and community-based organizations with similar missions to publicize and generate support for GDS's work. GDS has been based out of Northern Manhattan for over 26 years, but does not currently have a permanent home to administer services. I am actively working to build strong connections and strategic partnerships to remedy that. I recognize the value of the youth as the next generation of leaders, and that is why it is so important to me to do anything I can to limit any barriers placed against them. I'm privileged to work alongside an amazing team of fellow college students from across NYC who share my deep commitment in providing a safe space for students in need.

Photo by Jonathan King

A group picture with Emily and some of the other staff members. Photo provided by Emily Muniz.

CLASSROOM CONNECTION: For a previous research project on educational inequity, I examined the effects of standardized testing, lack of SAT/ACT/IB test preparation, accessibility to career-oriented clubs and programs, and tutoring affordability on the academic performance of students attending underfunded districts. Those findings inform and motivate my work at GDS, and it's exciting to be able to turn research into action! I had the opportunity to present this project at Harvard's Scholarship and Social Justice Undergraduate Research Conference earlier this year.

INSPIRED BY: Definitely Legally Blonde! Like Elle Woods, I have both a strong desire to practice law and a strong affinity for fashion. I hope to go into education law, and would like to continue advocating for the implementation of policies and programs that will expand the accessibility of higher education to all students.

LUNCH BREAK: I just sit and eat! I enjoy taking this time to reconnect with my friends over social media and check in with my family.