Government Office for Slovenians Abroad of the Republic of Slovenia

10/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/04/2024 10:24

Reception for Slovenian community in New York on the sidelines of Slovenia's presidency of the UN Security Council

Ambassador Iztok Mirošič hosted a reception for the Slovenian community in New York at the Slovenian Church of St. Cyril reception hall, on the occasion of the visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Robert Golob, and his delegation on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the United nations (UN) General Assembly and Slovenia's presidency of the UN Security Council in New York.

Veleposlanik RS v ZDA Iztok Mirošič na sprejemu za slovensko skupnost v čast obiska predsednika vlade RS, dr. Roberta Goloba ob 79. zasedanju Generalne skupščine OZN v New Yorku

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Predsednik vlade RS dr. Robert Golob na sprejemu za slovensko skupnost v New Yorku Pater krizolog je na sprejemu pozdravil številne Slovence v New Yorku in okolici Slovenski saksofonist Jan Kus igra na sprejemu za Slovence v New Yorku Pater krizolog, Ministrica za zdravje Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, podpredsednica vlade in Ministrica za zunanje zadeve Tanja Fajon, Predsednik vlade RS, dr. Robert Golob s partnerko Tino Gaber in Veleposlanik Iztok Mirošič na sprejemu za slovensko skupnost Slovenski saksofonist Jan Kus s spremljavo na kitari igra na sprejemu za Slovence v New Yorku Predsednik vlade RS dr. Robert Golob in veleposlanik Mirošič na ogledu slovenske cerkve Sv. Cirila Veleposlanik Iztok Mirošič in podpredsednica vlade in Ministrica za zunanje zadeve Tanja Fajon na sprejemu za slovensko skupnost v New Yorku Predsednik vlade RS, dr. Robert Golob in veleposlanik Iztok Mirošič ob prihodu na sprejem za slovensko skupnost v New Yorku

On September 26th, 2024 ambassador Iztok Mirošič hosted a reception for the Slovenian community in New York at the Slovenian Church of St. Cyril reception hall, on the occasion of the visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Robert Golob, and his delegation on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and Slovenia's presidency of the UN Security Council in New York.

Prime Minister conveyed his deep appreciation for the impressive attendance, recognizing the substantial number of Slovenians living in New York. He also underscored the importance of Slovenia's voice being heard internationally and reaffirmed that Slovenia is a valued partner of the United States.

Given New York City's significance for both cultural and business endeavors, the ambassador Mirošič emphasized the importance of reopening a career consulate in the city.

The reception was also attended by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon. The Minister of Health, Dr. Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, the State Secretary from the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy, Uroš Vajgl, as well as the former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, were also present at the reception.

The cultural program was provided by Slovenian saxophonist Jan Kus, who lives in New York, and Jeff Miles on guitar.

The sponsor of the event was the Slovenian company Klet Brda, which is successfully present on the American market with its products.