Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea

07/01/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/01/2024 03:12

Regular Briefing by Deputy Spokesperson Kim Inae

Date: Monday, July 1, 2024
Time: 10:30-10:35 A.M.

1. Minister's Schedule

On July 1, at 2 P.M., Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho will sit down for a meeting with interns working at the Ministry.

On July 2, at 10 A.M., Minister Kim will attend the cabinet meeting.

At 2 P.M., Minister Kim will attend the National Assembly's interpellation session on foreign affairs, unification and security sectors.

On July 3, at 1:30 P.M., Minister Kim will visit flood prevention facilities near the Imjin River.

On July 4, Minister Kim will attend a policy briefing hosted by the Korea National Diplomatic Academy for Ambassadors to the ROK to deliver a lecture on recent developments on the Korean Peninsula and the direction of unification and North Korea policies.

At 6 P.M., Minister Kim will hold the 13th Evening of Unification.

On July 5, Minister Kim will attend the opening ceremony for the 22nd National Assembly.

2. Q&A

Q. Are there any differences and peculiarities to the current party plenary meeting?

A. North Korea has convened the 10th plenary meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee on June 28, and the meeting continues to this day. As the meeting is underway, the Ministry will take its time to analyze and evaluate major issues together with relevant agencies. We will provide further explanations when necessary.

Q. Photos released by North Korean state media yesterday showed pins with a portrait of Kim Jong Un for the first time. Could you provide a short evaluation regarding this?

A. Idolization of Kim Jong Un accelerated since the North's 8th Party Congress in 2021, which marked 10 years since Kim Jong Un's reign. This year, Kim's portrait was shown hanging next to those of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for the first time, while North Korean state media refrained from using the phrase "Day of the Sun." Pins with a portrait of Kim Jong Un appeared officially for the first time at the plenary meeting as well.

The Ministry evaluates such series of idolization efforts as moves to solidify Kim's status as an independent leader, all the while removing traces of his predecessors. Furthermore, the North appears to be working toward increasing internal solidarity and securing legitimacy at a time when North Korean residents' dissatisfaction is increasing due to economic difficulties and an influx of foreign influences such as South Korean culture.

Q. President Kim Jong Un has reportedly referred to deviations obstructing the efforts for economic development at the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee. What is the Ministry's understanding of such issues mentioned by Kim?

A. Kim Jong Un reportedly made such remarks during a speech at the plenary session evaluating achievements made in the first half of 2024. The Ministry will conduct a comprehensive analysis of related developments, without making assumptions about issues Kim may be referring to.

Q. A delegation of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam arrived in Pyeongyang on June 29. What is on the delegation's agenda and what is the purpose of its visit?

A. The Ministry has nothing to share regarding your question. We will notify any further developments when necessary.