Gateshead Council

03/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/20/2024 09:09

Civil injunction approved against nuisance neighbour

20 March 2024

A nuisance neighbour who targeted vulnerable people has been banned from setting foot inside certain areas of a community after an injunction was granted following partnership working by officers and local authority colleagues.

Police and officers with Gateshead Council became aware of concerns over the behaviour of Tracey Lambert.

Northumbria Police and the council jointly submitted an application for a civil injunction, outlining that Lambert has a history of targeting vulnerable residents of Gateshead and subjecting them to financial abuse in their own homes, taking money and possessions from them, using their bank accounts to withdraw money from and using their homes to live in, drink, take drugs and cause nuisance.

The civil injunction against Lambert was approved at Gateshead County Court on Thursday, March 7, and includes strict conditions.

The 54-year-old is prohibited from entering the following areas of Gateshead:

  • An address of Second Street, Teams
  • An address on Millway, Deckham
  • An address on Alexandra Road and the area Barry Street, both in Bensham.

Lambert, of no fixed abode, is also prevented from contacting a number of named individuals.

Should she breach the terms of the injunction, she faces possible arrest and even the possibility of imprisonment.

Sergeant Scott Youngman, of Northumbria Police, said:

"We recognise and understand the detrimental effect which anti-social behaviour can have on those in our communities, which is why we always look to address any issues."

"Recently we have received a number of concerning reports regarding Lambert's behaviour which are completely unacceptable."

"Neighbours should not have their lives impacted by those such as Lambert who persistently behave in a disruptive manner and clearly have no regard for others."

"She is now subject to a civil injunction after we worked closely with colleagues at Gateshead Council. This prevents her from entering certain areas of the town and she risks being arrested and facing a potential prison term should she breach it."

Sgt Youngman added:

"Rest assured, we will be closely watching that this individual is sticking to the terms of the injunction and should she be found to be breaching the order in any way our officers will not hesitate to take the necessary action."

"I would urge members of the community who do witness this kind of behaviour to please report it to us or the local authority at the earliest possible convenience so we can keep areas such as Gateshead a great place to live, work and visit."

Councillor Angela Douglas, Chair of the Gateshead Community Safety Board, said:

"The council works extremely hard to make sure the most vulnerable in our society are given all the support they need, and the impact of this kind of anti-social behaviour can be very detrimental to those affected."

"We are delighted with the imposing on this injunction as it will help protect our residents from further harassment, intimidation and distress caused by this individual."

"It should send a very clear message to anyone else engaging in anti-social behaviour. It will not be tolerated, and we will continue to work with Northumbria Police in taking swift and decisive action against anyone who is making life a misery for others."

Anyone with concerns about anti-social behaviour in their community should use the 'Report' page of the Northumbria Police website or call 101.

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