City of Del Mar, CA

09/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/15/2024 12:11

Del Mar adopts joint resolution on rail realignment

The City Council adopted a joint resolution Sept. 9 asking the San Diego Association of Governmentsto share information and engage equally with primary stakeholders and identify mutually agreed-upon goals and objectives related to SANDAG's rail realignment project.

The Solana Beach City Council and 22nd District Agricultural Association Board of Directors also have adopted the joint resolution.

Brought forward by Del Mar Mayor Dave Druker and Councilmember Tracy Martinez, the joint resolution comes in response to strong concerns registered by each of the agencies on the three alternatives SANDAG has proposed for rerouting the railway off of the fragile Del Mar bluffs.

In addition to developing shared objectives, the draft resolution calls for SANDAG to work collaboratively with primary stakeholders to identify a clear project description, explore new or modified alignment alternatives and to consider adverse impacts during and after construction.

Adverse impacts-to be mitigated or minimized to the greatest extent possible-include those to public and private property, businesses, homeowners, residents, tourism, public safety, sensitive environmental areas, and the local and regional economy.

SANDAG is targeting 2035 to open a realigned segment of railway that bypasses the Del Mar bluffs.

Contact SANDAG: 858-549-RAIL or [email protected]

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Related story: How Del Mar is tracking SANDAG's Rail Realignment Project (June 7, 2024)