SIIA - Software & Information Industry Association

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 16:38

SIIA Statement on House Markup of Kids Online Safety Act

SIIA Statement on House Markup of Kids Online Safety Act

September 17, 2024

The following statement regarding the introduction of Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) can be attributed to Paul Lekas, SVP, Global Public Policy & Government Affairs,Software & Information Industry Association(SIIA).

We are disappointed that the House Energy & Commerce Committee is proceeding with a markup of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) without meaningful engagement with stakeholders across the political spectrum who have raised significant concerns about the legislation. In its current form, KOSA will prevent young Americans from accessing critical educational and even lifesaving information, create significant privacy risks for young people and adults, and infringe on the constitutional rights of all Americans. We urge the Committee to reject attempts to score a quick political win by passing this legislation in an election year and instead concentrate on ways to meaningfully strengthen privacy protections and uphold Constitutional rights for all Americans.

For more, seeSIIA Child and Teen Privacy and Safety Principles.