Steny H. Hoyer

09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 11:54

Hoyer Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) released the following statement to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Violence Against Women Act on September 12, 1994:

"As a proud co-sponsor of the original Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994, I join in celebrating its thirtieth anniversary today. I supported the effort to pass that historic legislation because I knew it was, and continues to be, essential to women's right to live safely, freely, and prosperously as equal citizens in our nation. That's also why I've fought to protect VAWA from partisan attacks and to reauthorize it multiple times over the years, including last Congress when, as House Majority Leader, I put legislation on the Floor to reauthorize this crucial law through 2027. My dear friend, the late Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee was instrumental in that effort. I wish she was still with us today to celebrate this milestone.

"From workplaces to college campuses, our military ranks to our tribal communities, we cannot understate the sweeping positive impact that VAWA has had on our country and our culture these past three decades. Between VAWA's enactment in 1994 and its latest reauthorization in 2022, the annual rate of sexual assaults and rapes fell by 56% and the rate of domestic violence declined by 67%. Countless survivors have received support to help them through their trauma thanks to resources included in VAWA. Additionally, numerous abusers, rapists, and other violent criminals have been held accountable because of the law's key reforms to our justice system.

"At a time when women's most basic freedoms are under attack, Democrats will continue to stand united in our defense of women's rights. Just as we did with VAWA thirty years ago, we will not yield in our fight to ensure that every woman in every corner of the country receives 'the Blessings of Liberty' that our Constitution promises to every American."