Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup

08/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/30/2024 01:36

Council Meeting Recaps - OCM (28 August 2024)

Published on Friday, 30 August 2024 at 3:30:00 PM

Hello, I am Vivienne MacCarthy, President of the Shire of Donnybrook Balingup. Welcome to this summary of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 August 2024. You can access the recordings of all Ordinary Council meetings on the Shire's website, along with the Agendas, Minutes and attachments.

View our Meetings

At the start of the meeting, there were a few announcements to make. The first was a change to meeting process, where Council reintroduced the Adoption by Exception process, which is also known as the en-bloc process.

This procedure allows Council to adopt multiple reports or recommendations in a single resolution, without needing to discuss or debate each item individually. The en-bloc process is an effective way to approve straightforward, non-controversial or general matters agreed upon by all Councillors based on the information available prior to the official Meeting.

It ensures that all matters are addressed with due regard, and at the same time helps Council manage our time effectively.

Certain items are not included in this process, such as those requiring an absolute majority, that involve a conflict of interest, or where a Council Member wishes to discuss the item further.

At each meeting, the en-bloc resolution is addressed after the usual 6.3 item, which is Deputations.

The next announcement was the launch of the Auspire Australia Day Campaign for 2025, and the opening of the Community Citizen of the Year Awards. This program acknowledges community members who make an outstanding contribution to our local community.

If you would like to recognise a community member for their efforts in areas such as education, health, fund-raising, charitable or voluntary services, business, sport, arts, the environment, social inclusion or any area that enhances community well-being, you can nominate them in any of the four categories:

  • Community Citizen of the Year
  • Young Community Citizen of the Year
  • Senior Community Citizen of the Year
  • Active Citizenship (Group or Event)

Nominations are open from 1 September to 31 October, 2024.

And finally, I announced the opening of the Shire's annual photography competition, with the top 12 entries included in the Shire Calendar, which is made available to the public for free. This year's theme is called Now & Then. It is an opportunity to explore, showcase and recognise the history and heritage of where we are and where we've come from.

Photos entered must be taken within the Shire, and a description of the location or place and it's historical significance is required. While it isn't mandatory to include a "before" image, it is preferred.

Entry is free and open to all residents and visitors - the Competition is running from 1 to 30 September 2024, with the photos going towards the 2025 Calendar.

You can find more details on both the Community Citizen of the Year Awards and nominations, and Photography Competition on the Shire website, or by contacting the Administration Office.

Item 9.1.2: Weddings at Linga Longa - Event Application

Council considered an event application from Linga Longa Estate who have a well-established reputation for hosting quality events.

The owners are currently collaborating with the Shire to submit a retrospective development application for several land uses, including a reception centre. While this application is underway, several weddings were conditionally approved by Council through this event application.

The Shire's support for this application reflects its commitment to fostering small local businesses, in line with Council Plan Objective 9.2, to attract and retain a diverse range of businesses and investment opportunities.

Item 9.1.3: Harvest & Vehicle Movement Ban SMS Communication Service and Policy

Council considered the Harvest & Vehicle Movement Ban SMS Communication Service and its relating policy. HVMBs are implemented by Authorised Fire Control Officers where, in their opinion, an elevated risk of bushfire exists through the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery.

These bans are the responsibility of the Local Government and can be challenging to communicate to the wider community in a timely and effective manner.

Currently, the Shire uses a number of methods such as social media, ABC or local radio, and emails to key stakeholders - as well as a heavy reliance on Bush Fire Brigade Volunteers to communicate this information. These methods have varying levels of effectiveness and can be time-consuming to deliver, so the implementation of an SMS service would enhance communication speeds and efficiency.

Item 9.3.1: Adoption of Community Grants and Donations Policy

Council approved a review of the Community Grants and Donations policy which introduces clearer guidelines, streamlined processes, and stronger alignment with Council's broader goals. It enhances the effectiveness and the reach of the funding program. It reflects a shift towards a more strategic, transparent, and structured approach to community grant funding.

The policy sets an upper limit compared with the previous policy which was calculated as a percentage of income. The changes generate recurring savings in the 2024-2025 budget (and onward) for inclusion in the transfer to reserves.

Other items approved at the meeting include the approval of Local Laws at Items 9.2.2 and 9.2.3, and at Item 10.1.1 Council approved an annual review of the Workforce Plan.

Thank you for listening to this update of the August 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting.

Before I go, as a mother of three sons, I want to wish all Fathers a wonderful Fathers Day this Sunday (1 Sept). For those fathers who are not able to be with their children due to working remotely, are living away, or through other restrictions that can sometimes prevent fathers from celebrating their love for their children on Fathers Day, I wish you instead a day filled with warm memories and the expectation of being with your children soon.

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