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07/21/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/21/2024 17:34

Transcript: Mayor Adams Calls in Live on 1010 WINS

July 21, 2024

Donna Vaughan: We're going to go straight to the phones now. We have Mayor Adams standing by to weigh in on our top story of the day: President Biden pulling out of his reelection race. Mayor Adams, thanks for being here.
Mayor Eric Adams: Thank you so much for having me.
Vaughan: We're going to start with the obvious question everyone is weighing in. It's been an emotional day for a lot of people, especially Democrats. What is your take on President Biden's announcement? Do you think he's doing the right thing?
Mayor Adams: I think it's a continuation of his real patriotic spirit and love for this country. He did an analysis. He heard from those who are in the country and party leaders and he madeā€¦ which is a tough decision. He decided to put the country first. I have a great deal of respect for the president, what he has done for this country over many of the pains and hurdles he had to endure throughout his career. I just wish him the best.
Vaughan: We have spoken to several other Democratic leaders live on the air here at 1010 WINS this afternoon. Some of them came right out and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to take that top spot on the Democratic ticket. Are you ready to make any comments about Vice President Harris?
Mayor Adams: I am a delegate, a delegate at the convention, and I think it's imperative for us to just be very clear that the Democratic Party, we must deal with the affordability issue not only in the city, in the country, public safety, and as well as making sure we work for working class people. I'm looking forward to a good, healthy conversation and allow the senior leaders of the party to carve out the steps forward.
Vaughan: I know the senior leaders of the party would certainly like to have an orderly Democratic convention next month because to have a messy one, as some have been predicting, would not be good for the party. Your thoughts on Democratic unity, do you think the party can unify against one president in order to be taking on the GOP nominee, Donald Trump, and focusing their efforts on him?
Mayor Adams: I believe the party can, and the most important thing we can do is have a clarity of message and direction. Everyone in the country should know exactly what the party is going to focus on, including border security and safety, and again, affordability, public safety, and really working for working-class people who believe the everyday cost of living is just seem to have elude them. I think if we're clear on that message, we're going to be successful in November.
Vaughan: Some Democrats have said, very similar to what you just did, that they would like to have the campaign now refocus on the issues and not on the candidates themselves. Do you think we can have that clarity now?
Mayor Adams: Yes, I do. I think the last few days and weeks, we have been caught up in a dialogue around who should run instead of what the issues are, and I believe that we can get past that and really focus on those issues. And these are the issues that we all hear every day from every day, not only New Yorkers, but Americans, and I'm going to do all that I could possibly do as a delegate to be very clear that these issues of affordability, of public safety, and making sure our children have a healthy future should be front and center.
Vaughan: Now, obviously, no matter who the Democratic nominee is, winds up being, the party would like to get out the message that that nominee will be better than the Republican nominee. How do you think they can get that message out going forward?
Mayor Adams: I have found in politics that we have a tendency to overcomplicate the issues to everyday New Yorkers and Americans. Clarity of message. If we carve out a real message on how we're going to secure our borders, how we're going to make sure that we improve the quality of life of everyday Americans, and how we're going to ensure that there's a future that people can move towards. If we're clear on that message and we show a unified voice behind that message, I think you're going to see the party come together as a whole.
Vaughan: Do you care to make any predictions about who we might see come to the forefront as future Democratic leaders of the party, either people who could serve at the top of the ticket now or perhaps as a vice presidential running mate? Is there anyone you'd like to see in the mix?
Mayor Adams: We are fortunate to have a great bench, and I believe that if we look and determine who's going to be the next player at the top of the ticket, we're going to find that talent. There's a great deal of talent in our country, and if we're all focused on the same message, we can utilize that talent to really bring a victory not only for the party but for the American people.
Vaughan: Mayor Eric Adams, thank you so much for calling in. Always a pleasure to speak with you, sir, about the events of the day.
Mayor Adams:Thank you.
