Council of Europe

12/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/12/2024 08:46

Tributes Paid to Former Council of Europe Secretary General and Parliamentary Assembly Member Terry Davis

Council of Europe Secretary General Alain Berset and Parliamentary Assembly President Theodoros Rousopoulos have expressed their sadness at the death of Terry Davis, who served as Council of Europe Secretary General from 2004 to 2009 and was a long-standing member of the Parliamentary Assembly.

"Terry Davis, a passionate advocate for the European project and a steadfast defender of the values upheld by our Organisation, passed away yesterday. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones.

"He was deeply committed to promoting the European dream embodied by the Council of Europe. Throughout his years of service to our organisation, he worked tirelessly to promote and extend the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

"We will always remember his lively participation in debates, his countless initiatives and his approachable nature. For all of this, we express our deep gratitude and recognition today.

"Terry Davis began his term as Secretary General at a time when the Council of Europe had enlarged to cover all the continent but Belarus.

He initiated the Warsaw Summit - the Summit of European Unity - that laid down the foundations for the Council of Europe's future work. 'It is clear,' he told the summit, 'that the tree of democracy has taken solid root on European soil. Our ambition today is to make sure that it grows high. The task of the Council of Europe is to spread the culture of democracy throughout our continent, because without a genuine democratic culture, we will not be able to build a Europe of citizens, a Europe of justice and a Europe of social cohesion'.

"Terry Davis used his voice to campaign for the vulnerable and the underprivileged, backing campaigns for children, against domestic violence towards women and building support of all member states against human trafficking.

"His tenure helped build the Council of Europe we know today - ready to take on the challenges of the future."