City of Seattle, WA

10/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/07/2024 20:11

October 7 – 11 is Digital Inclusion Week

Digital Inclusion Week is an annual nationwide event dedicated to promoting digital equity and inclusion. This year, from October 7 to 11, thousands of organizations and individuals across the country will come together to raise awareness, celebrate achievements, and work toward creating a more digitally inclusive world. That includes Seattle IT and our colleagues at the City of Seattle!

In the words of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA): "We're living in a pivotal time for digital inclusion action. More resources than ever are available now and will continue to be released to support digital inclusion work." This is our opportunity to make a significant impact.

Digital inclusion ensures that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of information technology. Findings from the City of Seattle's 2024 Technology Access and Adoption Report reveal that while the digital divide has shrunk, work remains to ensure that all residents have resources and access to digital tools and training.

Here are five things Seattle IT strives to bring to all Seattle residents who need them:

Promoting digital inclusion is essential for many reasons. Digital inclusion fosters economic growth by enabling job seekers to find employment and allowing businesses to reach a broader market. It advances educational achievement by providing students with the resources needed to engage in digital learning and complete assignments. Digital inclusion also grants patients access to telehealth services and online medical information, and it allows civic participation by empowering individuals to engage with government services and participate in public discourse. And, of course, digital inclusion provides a better quality of life in everyday activities by providing access to online services, entertainment, and social connections.

Learn more about the City of Seattle's work to advance digital inclusion on

During Digital Inclusion Week, the City of Seattle is proud to join communities nationwide in taking action to bridge the digital divide. But this week is not just a celebration; it's a call to action. Together, we can ensure that everyone in our community has the tools and resources to thrive in the digital age.