U.S. Senate Committee on Finance

07/25/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/25/2024 13:02

Crapo Statement at Executive Session to Vote on Tax Court Nominees

July 25,2024

Crapo Statement at Executive Session to Vote on Tax Court Nominees

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) delivered the following remarks at an executive session hearing to vote on the nominations of Jeffrey Arbeit, Cathy Fung and Benjamin Guider to be Judges on the U.S. Tax Court.

As prepared for delivery:

"Today we consider the nominations of Jeffrey Arbeit, Cathy Fung, and Benjamin Guider to be judges on the United States Tax Court.

"I was encouraged to hear each of the nominees make a commitment to being fair and impartial to all individuals before the Tax Court.

"Taxpayers in Idaho - and across the country - deserve nothing less.

"Each of the nominees are qualified, bring unique backgrounds in tax law, and are capable to serve on the Court.

"Mr. Arbeit has served on the Joint Committee on Taxation for nine years, providing constructive advice in the formulation of key legislation. I appreciate Mr. Arbeit's work with this Committee over the years.

"If confirmed, I expect each of the nominees to carry out their duties with the highest degree of skill and integrity.

"For these reasons, I will be voting yes on each of the nominees, and I encourage my colleagues to do the same.

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman."