Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic

09/05/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Argentina reaffirms its regional leadership within the Antarctic system

The Meeting of Managers of Latin American Antarctic Programs (RAPAL) was held from 2 to 5 September in Brasilia.

In this context, the delegations from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay and various observers gathered to exchange information on their National Antarctic Programs and promote science and logistics within the Antarctic Treaty System, with a focus on international cooperation.

The Argentine delegation reported on Argentina's 2023/2024 Antarctic Campaign, as well as its plans for the summer 2024/2025 Campaign, and presented 10 scientific projects for the benefit of the White Continent, related to the biological restoration of soils contaminated by hydrocarbons and the protection of the Emperor Penguin colony of Cerro Nevado Island, among other aspects.

One of the Argentine projects that stands out is "Microplastics in the Antarctic environment: implementation of the Nutec Plastics initiative," which is the result of international cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This initiative pursues the goal set by President Milei, IAEA Director General Ambassador Rafael Grossi, Foreign Minister Mondino and other high-level authorities during their trip to Antarctica: studying the situation of the Antarctic continent regarding microplastics.

At the Meeting, Argentina was given, by unanimous decision of the Latin American countries operating in Antarctica, the approval to lead a regional group dedicated to studying and fighting plastic and microplastic pollution in the White Continent.