Napa County, CA

10/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 11/09/2024 08:12

Napa County Moves Closer to Housing Goals with New Omnibus Housing Ordinance

NAPA, CA, September 10, 2024 - The Napa County Board of Supervisors took a significant step forward today in fulfilling the goals of its 2023-2031 Housing Element by unanimously voting on its intent to adopt the "Omnibus Housing Ordinance." This ordinance modifies the County Code to better align with State Housing Law and addresses various housing-related regulations to increase flexibility and streamline approval processes for different types of housing developments.

Key components of the ordinance include:

  • Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): Simplifying rules for construction, including updated height, parking, and development standards.
  • Urban Lot Splits: Allows for dividing single-family residential lots into smaller lots, with specific criteria ensuring responsible development.
  • Transitional and Supportive Housing: Expanded definitions and streamlined approval for facilities offering temporary and long-term housing to vulnerable populations.
  • Low Barrier Navigation Centers: Provides service-enriched temporary housing for homeless individuals and families.
  • Farmworker Housing: Increased flexibility in lot sizes and ownership for farmworker housing centers.
  • Emergency Shelters: Reducing parking requirements and more flexible design standards to encourage the development of shelters.
  • Multiple-Family Housing: Encouraging higher-density housing in priority areas without lengthy approval processes.
  • Senate Bill 9: Complying with state law to implement urban lot splits and two-unit developments within existing single-family residential zones.

"The adoption of this ordinance demonstrates Napa County's ongoing commitment to tackling housing challenges," said Joelle Gallagher, Chair of the Napa County Board of Supervisors. "We are taking proactive steps to ensure our policies meet the diverse needs of all community members, from homeowners to those in need of transitional housing."

The ordinance builds on Napa County's recently certified Housing Element, which was approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on July 12, 2024. The Housing Element is a key component of the County's General Plan and outlines housing goals and policies for unincorporated areas, including efforts to increase affordable housing, support the unhoused community, and promote equitable development.


The Housing Element, which covers 2023-2031, was developed through an extensive public outreach process. A dedicated advisory committee worked to gather input from underrepresented groups, including the unhoused and Spanish-speaking communities. This outreach ensured that the County's housing policies are inclusive and reflect the diverse needs of Napa residents.

The Omnibus Housing Ordinance is a direct response to State Housing Law and helps Napa County meet its housing needs while maintaining the community's character. The ordinance will be considered for final adoption at the Board's September 24, 2024, meeting, and will go into effect 30 days later.

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