Town of Castine, ME

12/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/09/2024 23:20



Open Meeting and Confirm Quorum Present
Meetingfor four Site Plan Review Applications:

· Application made by the Witherle Memorial Library Board of Trustees for a landscaping project at 41 School Street, Map 21, Lot 32. The application seeks a permit to conduct landscaping, the construction of a 2' high granite retaining wall, a brick walkway with a handicap ramp, a brick patio and a new book drop box.

· After the fact application made by Scott Brown, 964 Castine Road, Map 15, Lot04. The application seeks an after the fact permit for earthmoving of more than 120 cubic yards (CY) while changing the grade by more than ½ feet in the gradient. The earthmoving resulted in a flattened 100' wide by 150' in depth area for parking vehicles.

· Application made by Scott Vogell, 17 Main Street, Map 21, Lot 80-1. The application seeks a permit to conduct earthmoving of rock and loam, the construction of a bridge over a historic water concourse, and the construction of a 3' high by 32' long fence in the commercial district.

· Application made by Ted & Janet Coladarci, 87 Water St, M24 L57. The application seeks a permit to rebuild boathouse destroyed by storms.

· Such other business that may properly come before the Planning Board.

· Adjourn