DGA - Democratic Governors Association

10/14/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/14/2024 13:47

New Report: Kelly Ayotte Worked for Group That “Spent Millions Backing Anti-Choice Candidates for Office”Latest News Year in Review

New Report: Kelly Ayotte Worked for Group That "Spent Millions Backing Anti-Choice Candidates for Office"

Public News Service: "…[Ayotte's] previous board position with the right-leaning nonprofit Winning For Women is raising questions about her pivot to a more moderate approach."

A new report from Public News Service highlights Kelly Ayotte's work on the board of Winning for Women, a "right-leaning nonprofit" that "has spent millions backing anti-choice candidates for office." This follows a previous report from the Granite Post that highlighted how Ayotte's leadership position on a national anti-abortion group weakens her attempts to position herself as a "moderate" on this issue.

Kelly Ayotte has spent her career attacking fundamental freedoms. In the U.S. Senate, Ayotte voted for a national abortion ban, voted four times to defundPlanned Parenthood, and voted for the Blunt amendment and the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, which, as Public News Service reports, would "remove insurance coverage for birth control." Ayotte has also promised that as governor she would not renew funding for Planned Parenthood, the state's largest low-income health care provider, despite the organization facing a multi-million dollar deficit that threatens its ability to stay open, claiming it's a "political organization" and "the largest provider of abortions."

After leaving office, Ayotte was hand-picked by the Trump administration to serve as Neil Gorsuch's "sherpa," shepherding him onto the Supreme Court, which led to the eventual overturning of Roe v. Wade - a longtime goal of Ayotte's - and the loss of reproductive rights for millions of women.

"Kelly Ayotte's decades-long anti-abortion record is finally catching up to her, and no one believes that her stance on abortion is remotely 'moderate,'" said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O'Brien. "Whether it's her work on the board of an organization that promoted and supported extreme, anti-choice candidates, her well-documented anti-abortion record in the U.S. Senate, her work securing the most anti-abortion majority on the Supreme Court, or her promises to continue attacking reproductive freedom as governor, Granite Staters know one thing for certain: they cannot trust Kelly Ayotte with their most fundamental freedoms."

Read more key quotes from the report here or below:

  • Kayla Montgomery, vice president of public affairs for the Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund, said Ayotte voted for a national abortion ban while in the Senate and supported the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

  • "We can't put our trust in someone who has been against abortion rights and against reproductive freedom her entire career," Montgomery contended.

  • Ayotte said her opponents are "politicizing abortion to win votes" but her previous board position with the right-leaning nonprofit Winning For Women is raising questions about her pivot to a more moderate approach.

  • The group has spent millions backing anti-choice candidates for office and Ayotte herself backed bills to remove insurance coverage for birth control.

  • Sen. Debra Altschiller, D-Stratham, said Ayotte has grown out of step with New Hampshire voters. "She instead decided to get on board with an extreme right-wing agenda on limiting reproductive health care for the people of her own state," Altschiller asserted. "We remember."

  • Altschiller added reproductive freedoms are under attack at the State Capitol, despite a majority of voters backing abortion rights, and thinks Craig would serve as a firewall in the governor's office to ensure protections. She noted Craig has also committed to nominating pro-choice justices to the state Supreme Court, where there is a retirement coming up in 2026.
